The Contrarian/Anti-Woke left continue trend of Anti-Democrat/Black & Dirtbag Leftist grift


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It definitely is, we have no disagreement there at all, it's absurd, the amount of times I have run into that issue when conversing with leftists. Simply put, I'm most aligned with a SocDem approach towards American policy, this tracks with my ethical beliefs, while also tracking with doing what is most practical as opposed to doing what makes me feel the best because it's a necessary to act responsibly if I have the goal of improving overall wellbeing. I am acting immorally if I act otherwise.

So I see your point with this posts, I think, from what I have seen scrolling through it, we are in complete agreement, and while working in America, only those acting practically should be taken seriously, and that tracks with the behaviour I typically see with serious leftists.

And on Michael Brooks, I'm not aware of him sliding towards anti-idpol, but it wouldn't surprise me given my approach towards people (humans) in general, I just enjoyed his practical approach on heated topics, which seemed to calm a lot of the online left down when needed. What would you say suggests he was nearing that? I will admit, most of my watching was going towards the Majority Report, I barely had the time to watch the show that Brooks ran solo.
It was a very subtle thing because it was the height of the campaign and they were starting too see BLM was moving people more than this generic socialist messaging.

It pissed a lot of the CHapo crowd off that what got people in the streets was actually...SURPRISE...racism, not "workers revolts"

Don't get me wrong... I miss Brooks immensely and his rationality I KNOW wouldn't just be baselessly defending Russia's aggression into Ukraine right now.

...which is ANOTHER fracture of the left that happened when you have literal tankies who can't use "America bad" when Russia and China are openly engaged in an imperialist project themselves :francis:
Ironically if you look some of the biggest labor movements happening...are led by black labor leaders :sas2:

The Amazon Union Is Part of a Legacy of Black Labor Organizing



Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
It was a very subtle thing because it was the height of the campaign and they were starting too see BLM was moving people more than this generic socialist messaging.

It pissed a lot of the CHapo crowd off that what got people in the streets was actually...SURPRISE...racism, not "workers revolts"

Ironically if you look some of the biggest labor movements happening...are led by black labor leaders :sas2:

The Amazon Union Is Part of a Legacy of Black Labor Organizing

Oh yeah, I can definitely see that aspect, and I will agree that it is pretty subtle as I have watched black leftists play into it. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if those dudes are just racist, I want nothing to do with them, hopefully they fade into irrelevance, at least further than they currently are.

But yeah the "bring about socialism/communism and racism will disappear" crowd has always and will always be a joke to anyone seriously approaching the topic. A lot of these people are just so far removed from what is ethical and what is practical that they shouldn't have a platform at all, but good luck stopping any of that, the only thing we can hope to fall on, is their inability to rally and significance behind them.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Oh yeah, I can definitely see that aspect, and I will agree that it is pretty subtle as I have watched black leftists play into it. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if those dudes are just racist, I want nothing to do with them, hopefully they fade into irrelevance, at least further than they currently are.

But yeah the "bring about socialism/communism and racism will disappear" crowd has always and will always be a joke to anyone seriously approaching the topic. A lot of these people are just so far removed from what is ethical and what is practical that they shouldn't have a platform at all, but good luck stopping any of that, the only thing we can hope to fall on, is their inability to rally and significance behind them.
See, look at the shyt Jacobin is just "discussing" now

This is what they're focused on.

You can't even criticize bernie now :mjpls:



Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
See, look at the shyt Jacobin is just "discussing" now

This is what they're focused on.

You can't even criticize bernie now :mjpls:

Yeah, my goodness... This reminds of the sexism and anti-semitic downplaying that surrounded the Jeremy Corbyn campaign heading into election night. They threw an election because they, including Corbyn due to his innaction, doubled-down on the problematic rhetoric that scared away a significant portion of the voting bloc.

Yeah, this is a problem, and you are right in drawing attention to it. Because imagine how this looks to stable people getting into politics or even active voters.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

What We Talk About When We Talk About Elizabeth Bruenig | by Jude Ell…​

The once-beloved “leftist” is facing backlash for her anti-abortion views. Why did it take this long?​

She’s definitely not up to anything, right? Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
The first time I realized something was off about Elizabeth Bruenig, I was looking at her uterus. She had followed me on Twitter after I’d criticized someone named Matt Bruenig for harassing female journalists; she didn’t tell me they were married, and she was so friendly that I didn’t suspect. Her friendliness had a disconcerting edge to it. Every time I got too loud about gender (which was often) she’d pop in with one or two tiny questions, just a teensy correction, just a leeeeeeeetle suggestion that maybe I was taking this whole sexism thing a little bit too seriously and possibly I should just relax? Maybe? A bit???
I told her I thought everyone had a responsibility to fight sexism. She told me she was “just a kid” who never even wrote about gender (this will be important later) and anyway, what did I expect her to do?
Things came to a head when Newsweek published a cover story about “America’s abortion wars.” The cover showed an image of a fetus in the second or third trimester; like most such imagery, it displaced any image of the pregnant person (whose right to an abortion was, presumably, the cause of the “war”) and was also bigger and older than 90% of aborted fetuses. When I said this, Elizabeth Bruenig tweeted back that she found the image realistic, actually! To this, she attached a picture of her own ultrasound. I had not previously known she was pregnant.
Dropping fetal images to derail a conversation about abortion rights was a tactic I recognized. It went all the way back to the billboard truck that used to circle through my hometown with gooey “abortion” pictures printed under the word “CHOICE.” Even if the resemblance was somehow accidental, to find myself unexpectedly looking at the inside of her body (was I supposed to tell her the fetus was… cute? Large? Obviously more important than the right of full-grown adults to make their own medical decisions?) felt way creepier and more inappropriate than our previous interactions.
Soon afterward, someone emailed me the link: “Why I am a Pro-Life Liberal,” by Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig. As it turned out, Bruenig did write about gender — she just hadn’t wanted me to know what she said. This was not her first lie, nor her last, but before I continue, it’s important for you to know this: She fooled me, too.

Bad Elizabeth Bruenig takes are no longer surprising. They circulate frequently on social media. Most of them, like that 2014 article on “pro-life liberalism,” are bad in a specific, socially conservative, Catholic way: There’s the one where she argues that gay people might still be acceptable in the eyes of God if they stayed celibate. There’s the one where she argues that crisis pregnancy centers — fake abortion clinics that promise “help” with unwanted pregnancy, then terrorize patients into promising they won’t get an abortion — could end poverty. There’s the one where she argues against feminist affirmative consent standards (bad) then goes on to argue that every decent relationship contains a little marital rape(much, much worse):
[Feminist writers] can tell us how such rules might produce more virtuous outcomes — licit sex, by their reasoning — but not how they might be compatible with the sex many of us are already having without complaint. Married and long-term couples often know a great deal about sleepy sex, duty-inspired sex, even fully consensual sex that is left a tad icy out of spite, all of which could be categorized as rape under the purview of affirmative consent.
Christ. Still, my favorite — a deep cut, since deleted — is the one where Bruenig depicts feminism as an elite academic conspiracy intent on cancelling women with “unorthodox” views such as, say, opposing the right to abortion:
[If] you ask me, I’m a woman writer on the left. If you ask other women writers on the left, I’m a rank misogynist because I’m pro-life… unorthodox views can, especially for women in left academic feminism, result in precisely that form of discipline: withdrawal of community, overwhelming assassination of character, a very sudden onslaught of negative feedback and demands for apology.
Taking issue with consent standards, with abortion, with queer sex, with consensual sex you view as licentious or promiscuous, is not “unorthodox” feminism; it’s just not feminism. To be outraged that feminists deplatform and criticize those views makes just as much sense as being angry that an NRA convention won’t let you give a speech about why we need to ban assault rifles.
This point is so basic that it feels condescending to spell it out — but one does, repeatedly, have to spell these things out with Bruenig, whose right-wing gender politics are supposedly mitigated by her being “on the left.” This is a vague claim to make, especially given that we are not supposed to factor her actual political positions into account when making it. Roughly, it seems to mean that Bruenig (1) supported Bernie Sanders, (2) knows a lot of podcasters, and (3) gestures in the direction of a stronger social safety net when making the case for forced birth.
Bruenig’s anti-abortion stance is the argument she has made most consistently throughout her career, from The American Conservative to the New York Times, changing only the language to be a little more cautious when necessary. That argument goes as follows: Abortion is a moral evil, “contrary to Christian ethics.” However, Bruenig does not have a heart of stone; she doesn’t want to jail abortion seekers. Rather, she believes that they should be paid to have babies and stay home with them, or at least have the cost of childbirth covered by the state. With the financial obstacles of childbirth and early parenthood removed, there can be no remaining objection to carrying a pregnancy you didn’t intend or don’t want.
The problem here is not with free reproductive healthcare, wages for domestic labor, or state support of parents, all of which feminists have advocated for decades. It’s that those policies only have meaning in a world where you can also choose not to be pregnant, in the same way that “everyone should wear a condom during sex” is only a commendable statement if you can also say “no” to the sex itself. An unwanted pregnancy is a profound bodily violation, and it can kill the pregnant person. To strip women and trans people of agency, violate their bodies, kill thousands of them, and then throw the survivors some free diapers isn’t “leftism;” it’s barbarism with a sheen of feel-good charity to make it sell.
Bruenig has gotten remarkably good at polishing this turd, though. She no longer rails agains
t feminists for persecuting “pro-life women” or argues that it is a married woman’s duty to accept a little violation. Rather, she operates in the form of little hints, tiny nudges, an endless series of just-one-questions.
She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but women are putting off childbirth for no good reason. She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but if you got pregnant before you wanted to, it would probably be for the best. She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but she’s being persecuted for not supporting abortion. She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but people who take issue with wanting to ban abortion sure are buzzkills! She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but there is no better experience than being a mommy to a precious baby and women who don’t want to do that are monsters, possibly? She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but birth rates are dropping. She’s not saying we should ban all abortion — but now that 26 states have banned abortion, here’s what “the mass movement” can do next.
The clearest parallel is to the anti-trans pundit Jesse Singal (with whom Bruenig maintains an unsurprising friendship). The vast majority of trans people can read a Singal piece and see an argument for rolling back trans rights, but his rhetoric is carefully hedged so that some well-meaning Boomer parent can believe he’s “just asking questions.” Reproductive rights advocates can read an Elizabeth Bruenig piece and see that she’s against them. People on the sidelines often have no idea why those advocates are upset.
Bruenig’s slipperiness allows her (like Singal) to make an argument significantly to the right of the one she claims to be making. Still, the argument is clear. Consider a sentence from that 2014 piece on “pro-life liberalism:” “Since we care enough about the outcome of pregnancy to insist against abortion, then we must continue to care about the outcome when abortion is no longer a legal option.”
Did you catch it? I didn’t, at first. It’s so subtle, just a whiff of a suggestion of a hint of a teeeeeensy tell: “When abortion is no longer a legal option.”
Not “if.” When.
For Elizabeth Bruenig, the overturn of Roe has always been both possible and desirable. Her “leftism” is simple cleanliness: She wants to be standing just far enough away that she won’t be spattered with blood when the axe falls.

Why write about Elizabeth Bruenig now, when there is so much suffering to attend to? Her most prominent gig, as an opinion columnist for the New York Times, is behind her. Audiences seem to have turned on her. She belongs to the same dim pantheon as Katie Roiphe and Caitlin Flanagan — quick-burn contrarians who lobbed a few cherry bombs at Feminism’s vast iron-plated hull, rode out the hype cycle, and disappeared into the night (or at least The Atlantic, where people expect this sort of thing).
Yet it matters to understand how this happened; for several years, one of the most prominent media representatives of “socialism” held right-wing views, and for much of that time, people who objected were more likely to be mocked or screamed at than they were to be heard.
To understand Bruenig, you have to place her in the context of the (ugh, fine) “dirtbag left,” the ascendant socialist class of ’16, which used the Sanders campaign to argue that “leftism” needed to purge itself of identity politics, or even tolerate a certain amount of bigotry, in order to draw the white working class. To make a big deal out of slurs or rape jokes was “civility,” it was milquetoast liberalism, it was elitist, it alienated the humble white working men we needed to boost our numbers and make real gains. And so on.
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Part 2:

This was an argument that convinced quite a lot of people, and what is most interesting is that a whole lot of the people who made it are now fascists. Glenn Greenwald is soul-bonded to Tucker Carlson. The ladies of Red Scare are hobnobbing with Alex Jones and maybe not-so-secretly receiving funding from Peter Thiel. Matt Taibbi is platforming TERFs unjustly cancelled merely for kinda-sorta advocating genocide, and Freddie de Boer is railing against “wokeness” and accusing ACLU lawyer Chase Strangio of feigning an interest in politics to score chicks. The election of Donald Trump didn’t clear the way for leftism. It landed us with Joe Biden as President and rising right-wing extremism on our hands.
Making room for bigotry on the left did not strengthen the left. It did elevate a whole lot of bigots into positions of power and influence. “Dirtbag leftists” may not have seen this coming, but one suspects the bigots did. Pandering to social conservatives did not make conservatives more socialist, but it did make socialists more conservative — and that supposedly savvy compromise turned out to be the entry point for the fascism that now threatens to devour us all.

Bruenig got further than most dirtbags because she is not (openly) an a$$hole. Where her peers swagger and swear and cultivate wannabe-blue-collar machismo, she stays polite. She excels at a performance of traditional, submissive white Christian femininity, one in which delicacy and sweetness substitute for moral character, and presumptive innocence comes at the cost of permanent infantilization. She’s just a kid, after all — just a small nice sweet innocent well-behaved thirty-one-year-old child with a legacy media job and a wedding ring and multiple children who in no way contradict her own claims to infancy, and she just happens to not support abortion. How can these big, mannish, hairy, scary, barren, frigid, ball-busting feminist dykes hold that against her? Can’t some big, strong man step in to defend her? They’re so mean!
Her secret weapon, in other words, is her command of hollow “civility” — supposedly the refuge of technocrats and centrists — and her great good luck at being born into a world where most people still don’t believe that an upper-middle-class white woman is capable of inflicting serious harm. Under different circumstances, she would have been an Ivanka, tasked with putting a smooth millennial face on fascism. Under these circumstances… well, that’s still basically what she is.
She got pretty far, though, and to the extent that we are still not reckoning with the embarrassment of her, it is because a whole lot of people who should have known better got rolled. I suspect that lots of the media types who elevated Bruenig really did want to believe that abortion was a non-issue in the 2020s. They really did nurture a feeling that feminism had gone too far and queers were too queer these days. They wanted to believe that somewhere, there were still real, proper women — nice girls who wanted to have nice babies and bake nice cakes for their not-very-nice husbands, but who had to take jobs at (sigh) a newspaper, simply to prevent the fags and sluts and heathens from taking over the world.
They wanted to believe all this and tell themselves that they were still leftists. They wanted to believe that gender was no longer a subject of serious concern. Elizabeth Bruenig gave those people what they wanted, until she got what shewanted, and now, we all get to see what that is.
Less than a month out from the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the blood is flowing. A ten-year-old girl in Ohio was raped, denied an abortion, then publicly vilified for getting one in Indiana. In Virginia, a woman with lupus was denied her medication because it could conceivably be used to end a pregnancy. A woman having a miscarriage in Texas was forced to bleed out, screaming in fear and pain, until her “fetal heartbeat” could no longer be detected. She was on a breathing machine by the time doctors were permitted to help.

The end of Roe has not brought us free healthcare. It’s taking healthcare from people who need it. It has not made the world kinder for mothers or children. It’s torturing child rape victims and forcing mothers to bleed and scream alone. This was always what was going to happen. Arguments for forced birth should always inspire the deepest moral revulsion, no matter how prettily they are packaged, because all those arguments can ever do is kill. “Fascism can masquerade as a stridently sweet form of genteel niceness,” quoth Elizabeth Bruenig, writing about gender. It is something to consider: If I knew this was coming, and you knew this was coming, Elizabeth Bruenig knew it was coming, too.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Hipster racism hasn’t been news since Gavin McInnes founded both VICE and the Proud Boys, and it’s hard to see much here that deviates from that pattern. Still, there’s been a lot of handwringing, not least because many of these people were public leftists until about five minutes ago: “A lot of people who had maybe supported Bernie [Sanders] ended up moving a bit toward the right,” writes Will Harrison, in his lengthy, anguished Baffler essay on the scene. “They found the BLM movement corny, they felt frustrated that it was suddenly cooler to be queer than it was to be straight.”
