The Contrarian/Anti-Woke left continue trend of Anti-Democrat/Black & Dirtbag Leftist grift


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Pitiful Failed Artist Adam Lehrer: It’s True, But Not Even Funny

Perhaps the most pitiful figure in this milieu is failed artist Adam Lehrer, now cashing in writing embarrassing articles for American Greatness. It feels wrong to attack Lehrer; it’s too easy. The dopey, New York art hipster actually thinks that a rag like American Greatness publishes him because he has something of value to say and not because he flatters it and it finds his propaganda useful. His article, “A Marxist Defends the Great Reactionaries,” from the first line starts off with a glaring error that exposes this entire crowd as the pseudo intellectuals they are:

What’s Left? podcast host Aimee Terese recently tweeted, “Marx and Engels were friends with Balzac, noted reactionary monarchist who they perceived as far more insightful, and his work a much greater contribution to the socialist cause, despite his rank, than all the bourgeois economists, historians and writers of the day.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels never met Balzac, let alone counted him as a friend despite being enthusiastic fans of his work. It’s clear that American Greatness does not have a fact checker, but it doesn’t really matter when the point of your publication is to simply churn out vulgar propaganda. It does say something about what kind of an artist Lehrer must be, though, when he has so little pride in his work or self-respect that he doesn’t mind looking like an idiot from the start. I won’t go into much detail because the article is trivial. It starts off by attacking a straw man abstract “left” that is dismissive of right-wing artists because they are merely reflecting their class interests as members of the Professional Managerial Class and have an interest in dehumanizing right-wing artists to preserve their function as “neoliberalism’s ideological manufacturers.”

According to Lehrer, Balzac and hence reactionary artists are aesthetically superior because unlike liberals and socialists who mystify the exploitative nature of capital by working for reform, reactionaries are more revolutionary in seeking to abolish the existing order and return to an earlier one. Who does Lehrer cite to make this point? Michael Lind, of course.

Lehrer goes on to laud the works of writers like Nick Land and Michel Houllebecq, whom I am sure his patrons at American Greatness couldn’t give less of a fukk about. The point of their project is to lower taxes, cut Social Security and fund wars, not to pontificate on the state of French letters. After receiving heavy criticism for his piece, Lehrer gloated on Twitter that writing for American Greatness allowed him to make a living writing and doing his art. As far as I know he’s now writing a book about heroin and the avant-garde, which is a 15-year-old’s idea of what’s cool.

The aforementioned figures comparatively speaking are minnows in this ecosystem and exist to test out rhetoric and see what works. Most often they are ridiculed, but now and then they strike a nerve and are retweeted or promoted by some of the bigger fish, like Red Scare, Glenn Greenwald or Michael Tracey, who are very much part of this vile ecosystem and employ the same brand of trolling.


Fox News. Fair Use.
Michael Tracey: The “To Catch a Predator” Connection

Tracey is a journalist who is best known for his resemblance to Jeff Stacy, a convicted sex offender who surfaced in an investigation by Dateline NBC’s To Catch A Predator. With the persona of “Left Heretic,” Tracey has garnered a reputation for contrarian takes and poor personal hygiene. Seizing on the free-floating hostility and distrust many jaded ex-leftists feel for the Democratic Party and its disingenuous rhetoric on issues of identity and social justice, Tracey has built a following of nearly 200,000 Twitter followers railing against “wokeness” and casting doubt on the motives of the George Floyd demonstrations because Wendy’s once tweeted “Black Lives Matter.” He is a regular on Tucker Carlson, where he plays the role of the “left gadfly.” He cross-promotes and retweets content from Red Scare.


Jeff Stacy Fair Use.
Red Scare is a podcast hosted by Dasha Nekrasova and Anna Khachiyan. The show is adjacent to what is sometimes called the dirtbag left, but is distinct in that it is explicitly socially conservative. They talk at length about their disdain for women, and any woman who works to them is a “girl boss” worthy of ridicule. The political content of the show revolves around aggressive anti-feminism and mild welfare state reforms. The cultural commentary takes aim at “neoliberalism,” which they can’t, unfortunately, define. Thinkers they reference include Mark Fisher, Slavoj Zizek, Camille Paglia and Christopher Lasch. Fisher for his doom and gloom end of history stuff, Zizek, who they’ve never apparently read, but like to roll out for anti-trans critiques, Paglia because she is a libertarian that believes in the “divine feminine,” and Lasch to talk about the family and alienation.


The “Red Scare” cretins. Fair Use.
Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley venture capitalist and owner of one of the creepiest tech firms around, Palantir Technologies, once quipped that the CIA is a front for Palantir. Thiel also is widely regarded as one of the chief financial patrons for neo-reactionaries like Curtis Yarvin, better known as Mencius Moldbug. What’s more, his critiques of democracy have been a catalyst for what is often referred to as “the intellectual dark web.”

He’s also a fan of American Affairs and the National Conservative movement, helping them orchestrate the National Conservative Conference that featured Yarvin, Oren Cass and Tucker Carlson as a keynote speaker, as detailed in a recent piece from Harper’s, “Trumpism After Trump, by Thomas Meaney. Khachiyan appeared on The Portal with Eric Weinstein, managing director of Thiel Capital, to introduce her naïve, impressionable audience to a figure they would never have heard of otherwise.

Most alarmingly, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon appeared as a guest on Red Scare for a chummy, non-adversarial interview. The two frivolous, coked-up dilletantes let him spout his nonsense and come off as a loveable goofball. The whole thing was played for laughs. Bannon endorsed Bolsonaro for president of Brazil and upon his victory invited his son Eduardo to join “his movement in pursuit of a populist nationalist agenda for prosperity and sovereignty for citizens throughout the world.” Bannon also served as vice president of Cambridge Analytica, which “through its partnership with Sao Paulo-based consulting group A Ponte Estratégia Planejamento e Pesquisa LTDA, illegally used the data of millions of Brazilians to create psychographic profiles,” according to Reuters.


Their hero. Swoon. Also, were Steve Bannon and Michael Tracey separated at birth? Or was it Jeff Stacy? Fair Use?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Greenwald Literally, or At Least Metaphorically, Kisses Red Scare Ass

These illegal tactics played an important role in helping Bolsonaro build a fake news propaganda network that aided him in winning the 2018 election. There has been ample reporting on this, including in The Intercept Brasil. Surely, Greenwald is aware of this and would take the Red Scare girls to task for that pathetic excuse for an interview. Not so. Greenwald frequently kisses their asses, recently tweeting to the effect that if he were straight, he’d have them fight to the death and marry the winner. Greenwald has appeared twice on Red Scare, taking aim at the left during his second appearance.


Greenwald’s tweet. Fair Use.
Greenwald constantly employs the same contrarian trolling techniques as do the most obnoxious betê noires of this scene, and retweets them from time to time. He has plugged Aimee Terese and Twink Rev on at least one occasion. He frequently appears on Tucker Carlson to uncritically echo the latter’s talking points and, almost inevitably, later claims that the Frozen TV dinner heir and bowtie dipshyt neocon hawk is a socialist or is at least making the points socialists should be making. Greenwald never misses an opportunity to defend the right and with characteristic vainglorious self-regard professes to take principled stances on issues he clearly does not actually care about. If he is so interested in privacy, why does he scarcely mention Peter Thiel and Palantir as of late?

Lately, he has been on a tear attacking Democratic-led interventions in countries such as Libya with the absurd goal of making the GOP out to be peaceniks who expelled the neocons, despite the fact, to cite one of hundreds that point to the contrary, that John Bolton was Trump’s National Security Advisor. He has been making a show of being a principled critic of American adventurism abroad, but these positions do not line up with his actual track record when it mattered. As a grown ass man at 36, he gave the Bush administration the benefit of the doubt on Iraqi WMDs.

Finally, if he is a brave truth-teller and anti-interventionist why doesn’t he ever say anything about how his tech oligarch patron Pierre Omidyar interfered in Ukraine’s affairs by funding anti-government NGOs linked to USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), such as Centre UA and New Citizen, which he made an “investment” in.

Now, along with Taibbi and Nagle, he’s raking in cash at Substack after his highly contrived, profit-maximizing exodus to the platform after dummying up an excuse to leave The Intercept — “Those meanies wanted to edit me! How dare they? All I did was write an endless, unintelligible, dishonest screed about [Editor’s note: admittedly corrupt] Hunter Biden” — and solidifying his ties to the right. In the end, Greenwald is just like all the other bozos mentioned in this article: a shady, opportunistic huckster who quite possibly are used, wittingly or unwittingly, by domestic or foreign intelligence agencies. Indeed, that’s why they are such perfectly useful idiots to their sponsors, whoever they might be.

Hugo Boss and Other Fash Symps

Finally, do these jesters have any actual stances? I think they do, and it plays into their hands not to take them seriously. It lets them off the hook. They are irresponsible pseudo-intellectuals who, like the alt-right, hide behind the mask of irony when called out on their positions. But “we are what we pretend to be,” as Kurt Vonnegut wrote in his novel Mother Night. Their growing audience of Groypers and fascists take the propaganda they spew seriously, and we should as well. So, what do they stand for? A few things: anti-Black racism, anti-feminism, class collaboration and the “aestheticization of politics,” a phrase originally coined by Walter Benjamin.

Why anti-Black racism? Because they believe, roughly, that the demonstrations following the George Floyd murder were a corporate-backed, DNC-sponsored psyop and that the struggle by Blacks for civil and human rights is a laughable distraction. Sometimes their racism is even more explicit. Laba, despite her crocodile tears for “deaths of despair” among the white working class, referred to the murder of George Floyd as the “death of a single smacked out fentanyl addicted ex-con.” She has also referred to Floyd as a “lumpen prole,” despite his regular wage work employment as a bouncer and trucker, but her audience clearly understands this to be a dog-whistle, not as an accurate class descriptor. Elsewhere, she has said that Fred Hampton and Martin Luther King would be “intersectional libtards if they were alive today.”


Laba’s tweet. Fair use.
Why anti-feminism? Because many of them mock any woman who desires a life beyond the home. Their discourse also contains strange, graphic sexual slang often lifted from *****.

Why class collaboration? Because they are constantly suggesting alliances with the “right.”

Why aestheticization of politics? Because they’re only adopting this position because they think they’re cool. As Adam Lehrer tellingly put it, “When I say a person has bad politics, I mean, that person has an uninteresting and poorly conceptualized politics, and uninteresting politics often makes for an uninteresting view of the world, and an uninteresting view of the world often makes for uninteresting art.” Try harder, Adam, you may attain the political hipsterism you so pretentiously crave.

Class collaboration, racism, anti-leftism, anti-liberalism, irrationalism, preoccupation with sexual matters and enforcement of traditional gender norms and the aestheticization of politics are hallmarks of a certain political tendency that emerged in Europe in the Interwar Period. I’m not a political theorist, so I’ll leave that judgment to someone else. Whether you want to call them post-fascists or postmodern irrationalist conservatives, whatever they are, they are useful idiots for the right.

Speaking of the Interwar period, there was one figure who emerged during that time who, like so many of the useful idiots described herein, was a failed artist. There’s no need to name this figure and I’m not suggesting these clowns match him in terms of evil, because they clearly do not, but they are emboldening precisely the same lunatic fringe that he did.


Apropos of nothing, a watercolor by Hitler. Tragedy and farce. Fair Use. fukk You Adolph.
If we’re talking more about the failed artist element, I would be remiss not to point out that the Nazis at least had cool uniforms, which were literally designed by Hugo Boss. These people have Pepe the Frog memes. Hilariously, Adam Lehrer refers to himself as a “Dada-Populist.” It’s bad enough to be fascists or fash symps, but these clowns can’t even be cool fascists.

Two years ago so many of the Useful Idiots were ardent Sanders supporters, but it’s now abundantly clear that they never had any real commitment to his politics. If they did, they wouldn’t be throwing a hissy-fit and going full fash as they are now.

No, they supported him because it was cool to do so at the time. They’re hipsters, and hipsters just roll with the tide to appear relevant. They have no taste of their own because hipsters are illiterate nerds. They are simpleminded consumers and repositories of media junk, which explains how they adopted this syncretic and incoherent ideology. Now, with many of them facing middle age, they have a deep anxiety about no longer being perceived as cool. They’ve ditched the skinny jeans for the brown shirt. Desperately seeking to remain relevant and edgy, they’ve become pawns in a game played by corpulent, Harvard-educated think tank squares.


Image from Wikipedia. Fair Use.