Console gamer here, these are the FPS that I spent the most time with
GoldenEye 007
Halo 2
Half Life 2 (hell the whole orange box)
Call of Duty : Modern Warefare
Battlefield (2:MC, BC, 3)
1. Goldeneye
2. Bioshock
3. Doom
4. Halo 2
5. Jedi Knight
6. Bioshock infinite
7. Call of duty 4 modern warfare
8. Black ops
Yeah this is tough, FPS' aren't really my thing. Not as much as third person
10 games,numbered,or they won't be counted1.Rainbow 6: Siege best shooter I've ever played in my life
That is all
We can barely get guys to do a list period without seperating.should probably separate SP and MP
If this takes off at all then later on sure we can seperate into more closed off,narrow lists.
I wanted to make the first as open as I could to get the most amount of replies to get this off the ground.
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