The Coli's own Bishop Eddie Long looking like he bought a House in Virginia (vid)


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
I have no respect for people like him and Jamal Bryant. As an Agnostic-Theist, if it's anyone religious figure I highly respect it's Pope Francis. Molesting kids and still not in Prison :snoop:


Jun 4, 2012
He looks mad old now

And I found this 5 year old blog post:

Obnoxioustv's Blog
You've officially been choked by the Bow Tie!
Vanessa Long Has Finally Left Her Pineapple Juice Drinking Husband–Bishop Eddie Long and His Ex-Lover Byron Cage are Rumored To be HIV Postive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on June 11, 2011



Morris O’Kelly’s Mo’Kelly Report says that Eddie Long’s problems keep getting worse. And if what Mo’Kelly is reporting turns out to be true about the disgraced Atlanta, it certainly wouldn’t or shouldn’t surprise anyone:

Well-placed spies for The Mo’Kelly Report and long-time members of New Birth are alleging that Vanessa Long, the First Lady of New Birth has moved out of the house, in fact taking one of the children with her due to the scandal.

These are WELL-placed and trustworthy sources.

Mo’Kelly has already reached out to New Birth to see if it has any official response or counter narrative. Don’t hold your breath if you expect New Birth to tell the truth and acknowledge any family disarray. Nevertheless, New Birth has been offered equal space here in The Mo’Kelly Report as Mo’Kelly always does.

One is always welcome to tell his/her side here…you just have to be willing to step up to the plate.

Read/learn more at

Eddie Long and family

Obnoxious is not so sure how on top of his game Morris O’Kelly’s Mo’Kelly Report is, but we have known they couple has not lived under the same roof for a very long time now. It is a known fact that Vanessa was going to leave Eddie on at least of four different ocasions and each time she was talked into staying with her low down (or should I say Down Low, but we like PJD better, Pineapple Juice Drinker) husband. However, after paying his lovers far more money than she will ever see in a divorce settlement she has now moved on. Eddie took his young lovers on many more trips then he ever took his soon to be ex-wife!

It makes you wonder how does his sons feel to know their father liked guys, but guys younger in age and spent more time with his male whores than he did with them. It just makes me want to vomit! Everyone in the Black Movers and Shakers circles in Atlanta knows that Vanessa has never been considered to be that bright. The beauty queen is from Macon, Georiga and is a graduate of the now closed Morris Brown College, and it did not take much to get accepted to Mo’ Brown.


Vanessa we wish you the best and get tested for HIV cause according to Obnoxious sources it is rumored that Bishop Trick Daddy Eddie Lee Long is HIV postive and his said to be ex-lover, Gospel Singer Byron Cage is postive as well. It seems that Byron Cage’s status is why his wife left him and he high taled it out of Atlanta and went to DC.

Additionally, a good friend and reader of Obnoxious has filled many of the Gospel singer’s perscriptions for the rumored sick couple. Notice how all the HIV positve men we know blow up huge and jail house buff like Byron Cage, Eddie Long, Magic Johnson, BeBe Winans, and so many others. People why do you think Eddie did not want to go to court and what proof did BJ that he actually had sex with the four guys other than one or all for of them are also postive. Now where does it say that with all of the sex Eddie was having with them that he ever used protection once. People wake up! Well, let me tell you it is because of the steroids they take to keep them healthy!

Again, this is a rumor and gossip that has come from sources very close and one drug store employee!
Vanessa Long Has Finally Left Her Pineapple Juice Drinking Husband–Bishop Eddie Long and His Ex-Lover Byron Cage are Rumored To be HIV Postive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:jbhmm: maybe this gossip blog was right.