I wear a Crystal bracelet

I never posted when I bought my first pair of Allen Edmonds
I never posted when I bought my first pair of Allen Edmonds
years? i doubt you wear them once, that hideous ass stud trend went out 2 years agoI just got these a couple of days ago from https://www.valentino.com/us/bootie_cod45351088wt.html
Valentino Soul Rockstud. Plan to wear these for years.
years? i doubt you wear them once, that hideous ass stud trend went out 2 years ago
f*cking obnoxiously ugly
wash your face
cuz get the f*ck outta here, i dont have to post sh*t to tell you your style is 2 years late and wack af tryna be on some trendy hipster sh*tLol.. says a guy who posts nothing ever.. Ill wear them twice just cuz I can
cuz get the f*ck outta here, i dont have to post sh*t to tell you your style is 2 years late and wack af tryna be on some trendy hipster sh*t