bk @
Brooklynzson You guys don't know what u started. Stock trading is one of the most intense and brutal professions out there. Anyways, good shyt! Another thing you should add is that people should still able to buy and sell when they want during the day; the only thing is that they don't gain/lose anything since the market is closed. They will get their gains/losses the morning after when the market opens up again with a different price. If this is real data then the simulator will automatically make updates that have changed the stock market.
sup wit those sub prime loans..
Any advice for someone that knows jack shyt about stocks?
Google "what is stock trading", usually a lot of basic information on what different tactics you can use. Start off by investing in large companies that you know of, it they do good, keep em, if not sell them and try another. Keep the amount you invest under 50% of your total coli cash since you'll probably lose a lot of money when you try it out in the beginning.