Still working on my beat and still have cats
I wanna vote on from the last round.
Should be finished this after noon though.
Week 3: Anystyle (Due March 31st)
@Zeu$ vs @Wepa Man
@Ran Dakroyd vs @Insensitive
@Kaydigi vs @AkaDemiK
@BlackDroog vs @Bruh Man 5th Flo
@Caldlo vs @Chubbs
@KushSkywalker vs @PUT IN WORK
@The Unknown Hype vs @Red Maverick Reloaded
@William Bassington vs @macadomusic
@jwall123 vs @zoneoutmusik
@Vagina Thief vs @head shots101
@DBR vs @Spree At Last
@MichaelWhite vs @J_Nathan
@thesandman vs @L. Deezy
@EddyBlazeBeatz vs @901Cory10
@Sincere Noble vs @enfluential
@Dean_Keaton2k vs @Kwilu
@bigrodthe1 vs @O RLY
@Tom Foolery i'll upload my beat soon I've been visiting famille for easter
@Tom Foolery and @TEKBEATZ i might be a little late (12 am-1am) with my beat submission tomorrow. At my folks house in MD for Easter. My apologies
looks like Ill be mixing mine at grandmas
You are dress fresh today huh?