Kanye West fan
I know it aint folk/pop
Folk rock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(this smiley is rhetorical i know u mad)
I know it aint folk/pop
Folk rock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(this smiley is rhetorical i know u mad)
Sooooo what's the theme this week?
Sooooo what's the theme this week?
Fusion...Rock, Classical or Ambient.
it's not about restrictions, it's about pushing us as beat makers. I just think it's a lot better when everyone follows a single theme instead of "hey, u can choose between multiple styles for this week", to me that's playing it safe. You already set up the league to have an open week where we can make any type of beat (week 1), if you are going to do themes every other week it should be only one, that way it doesn't feel like the "submit any kind of beat" week.
Imagine how dope it would be to have a "rock" week for example, where everyone has to submit a beat with a rock feel, you could then reward the person who made the best beat under that criteria for that week. Instead we have a rock, ambient, classical week aka open week after the open week.
This week is already close to ending so it would be difficult to limit everyone to one theme, but try to do it for the other weeks where you want a specific sound.
Theme Song
Let me know if you have any questions