The problem with dragging this kidnap shyt out over the 1st 8 episodes was made obvious with this latest one. Because the entire family look like dikkheads now IMO. So you mean on day 1 home from the hospital everybody on edge and fed up with Keisha shyt??
Like really?
Ok let's pretend it's been a week.
Nobody wanna give Kiesha some room? She really need to open up and talk about it? Today? Hell, this week??
Kevin has gone from having a gun in his face and being ready to die to find his sister to throwing tantrums about the bathroom? Cussing his moms out every other second?

Had they wrapped up the shyt by ep 4, you coulda used the next 4 to build the tension in the house, have Kiesha acting out or whatever, and then get here where it appears Kiesha is ready to take her power back by episodes end.
Nope! Cram that shyt in 1 episode! Welcome home Keisha! Ayo, when you gonna seek counseling?? Why is she always in the bathroom?? What's wrong with herrrrrrrr???? Babe why are you always sleeping on the couch?? You act like we just brought your daughter home after being missing and raped for 2 months??
This bytch Dre is the most intrusive partner ever. I get that yall supposed to be married and all that but this chick don't respect boundaries at all. If the fan theory about her being connected to Omari isn't true then she just goofy for no reason.
And it's looking like she's not. They spoke his name this ep as if they'd known him all along.

Plus I'm sure Lena ain't gonna make a villain outta any lesbians.
Papa was definitely high. That dumb shyt at the dinner table made complete sense to him. He already on a different vibe and the contact high didn't help. I'll give em a pass but damn
My main problem with this episode was the complete lack of my guy Douda!