Can't even front. One of the more redeeming characters on this show is Darnell. Dude is a whole fool. Can't really rock with Emmett singing Faith Evans though. That's something his daddy would be singing. When that treh pushed away Trig, it seemed like her hand was big enough to palm a NBA regulation size Spalding.
I watch TV with the captions on so I'm
every time EJ on the screen and the caption reads "EJ Babbles." Shad had to check Trig at the dinner table for watching tranny porn while sitting next to his date
I find it ironic Tierra has a voice even more trannyish that the hard face reporter. Aint take long for Lena and her writers to turn Shad into a dog who let down a good woman.
I don't understand why Tiff needed someone to watch EJ if she knew Shump wasn't gonna be around on Valentines Day. She may have dethroned Nina as the worst mother on the show. Allow a 2x murderer into your living room brehs
I didn't mind the ending. Although Lena takes her fair share of criticism for the terrible turn this show hasn't taken over the past three seasons, we can't let Common off the hook either 

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