1. “Bu- I can take care of us both, I can get a job”
2. “Is master marshawn licensed?”
Lena tryna send shots at the manosphere
3. Trig “Honestly Nevermind” showin all his teef & humming with this woman in broad daylight. Now she doing sign language to make him pronounce his love for trans women.
In a fetal position texting *sweet dreams*
4. Bakari aka Tariq St. Patrick 2
5. Emmett better go see a doctor, overworked, stressed, taking care of the kids. I hope it ain’t hypertension.
6. Keisha cooking, throwing her “wifey” candidacy in
I thought she would make a grilled chicken salad or something, did she make cheese dip?
7. They really got high value mayor & boogyman looking for packages & gangbangers
8. Was that Olivia from All American? Taking photos of Kev and his girl?
9. Poppa actually might inspire Bakari to be better