I hate to say this but Bron and Kyrie deserve this for running out Blatt. They should have let Blatt install his motion offense.
Maybe if they did, the Cavs wouldn't be the LeBron System and would actually be able to look solid when LeBron is off the floor.
This is what I've been saying.
People always resort to acting like LeBron just never has a good supporting cast. That hasn't been true for over half his career. His teams just always run a "system" that renders everyone but LeBron useless or very inconsistent.
The Heat should have forced him to play under a real basketball system instead of making Wade sacrifice his entire game and Bosh become a 3 point shooter. That was the last opportunity to make this nikka show any discipline. Blatt wasn't going to do shyt no matter what because LeBron has Cleveland by the balls in the way he didn't have Miami.