it seems like people can't decide if the Warriors team is one of the GOATS, or a team of HOES.
And to that I say
They are undoubtedly one of the greatest teams of all time. I don't think that's up for debate anymore. I've been hating so hard because I hate how they came together. I'm not a Lebron Stan, I'm a MELO Stan, and I've only been supporting Lebron so much because I hate what the Warriors represent
Yes they are great. Powerful O, and D (

) 3 players who can get 30 on any given night, like last night. Versatile lineups. Decent Coaching. 4 all stars.
But they are in fact hoes. KD still went to a 73 win, championship winning core, that he choked to a month before signing to, While leaving another top 5-7 player in WB behind.
But it seems to be working. So from here on out, if they win, they should be recognized as an all time great group of hoes. The greatest brothel on earth. The True Bunny Ranch.
Still great, but still hoes.
With that being said