Finally!!! I been scrubbing the Internet lookin for the new season! I hate they pull from Are you the One, but it is what it is. I can watch MTV again
Only Leroy & Cory are the only black dudes this time? Aw man. I need more eye csndy
Abram knows Cara did way more than kissing... That's why he didn't want to see it. If he saw her give Thomas a handjob it woulda been a wrap.
lol @ this show still being on. let it go.
Tom and Abram both epitomize the extreme spectrum's of the white american male
He was he only black guy on his season, so I have a soft spot for him.Leroy has a little ass head
Yeah why u think Thomas was the entire time? Don't forget, they have zero tv or Internet. The only thing they can do to make the time go by is to plot & fukk.Man.... on one hand (no pun) I wanna believe she was telling the truth she didnt go that far with Tom. I mean she said at first all they did was hug and she massaged him
But then when she on the show later admitted they did kiss but claim "THATS ALL" then I'm like ooooooooooooh something aint right about this story
You may be right