It's so easy what to do with Sasha Banks for WM 32...this situation with her around Naomi and Tamina. No cracks yet. But you could build to it and the fans would go for it. Since I don't think there is any chance off Sasha vs Kana at WM 32, AS IT SHOULD BE....then you could do a slow build with her Naomi. Sasha stays arrogant, selfish, and into herself but is loving the fan response and cheers. Eventually getting kind of slick and brash with Naomi as she takes a more active stance as the unquestioned leader..Naomi starts to fall in line as they continue to win and Sasha picks up that Diva's title by Rumble. But the camera stays with Naomi a little bit after every victory and her faces gets a little bit more sour every week. Until she flips...whoops Sasha's ass real good by the end of February and you could let them run their mouths on the mic..of course you keep Tamina as the back up to make sure Sasha don't beat her clean all the time. Simple.