Thank goodness for the ignore option....I can't stand to hear c00ns talk. Always gotta play devil's advocate and fukk up the vibe when something tangible is being done/discussed by black folks. I say...we needed a show that shuns c00ns, black sellouts public a long time ago and now its here. c00ns are a detrimental to black progress and are used to stop black progress while in return get rewarded. Black on black crime is no different than white on white crime, hispanic or hispanic, etc etc...but they go out their way to make it standout like a sore dumb for a reason. Its nothing more than a white supremacist talking point thats used when they have nothing to fall back on.
This is an example....
Micheal Eric Dyson came with facts and Giuliani came with some bullshyt and started getting angry, talking over him, throwing up anything to see if it'll stick.
And there's video of the sista
@Stacker Pentecost who broke down "Black On Black" crime and debunked it.
Why is it when blacks commit crime against each other its looked at worst?

But when whites kill each other....they try to soften it up as possible. They humanize their victims and killers