Reality Check
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411MANIA | MLW Reportedly Accuses WWE of Contract Tampering
MLW’s lawyers have reportedly contacted WWE over accusations that the latter company has attempted to tamper with MLW-contracted talents. PWInsider reports that MLW and WWE attorneys were in contact this week over the allegations, according to multiple sources.
According to the site, the allegations were not over Davey Boy Smith Jr appearing on The Bump but rather in regard to “multiple talents.” MLW’s contracts specifically forbid them from working dates with WWE and any direct communication between WWE and signed MLW roster members would be seen as a breach of contract. One source in MLW said that the company has an “abundance” of evidence supporting their case should things get to a level where a court needs to get involved, but hopes that it doesn’t come to that.
WWE sources downplayed the idea of any tampering when contacted by the site.
Court Bauer is a salty, whiny motherfukker. With that said, this issue actually isn't about Harry Smith.