The Brehs of Wall Street (Offical Stock Market Thread)

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
What's going on with AMC?
I don't want to hold if this goes back to red on me.

Is the GME hype train done, I was thinking if this goes any lower to buy more but now I don't know.
I've not kept up with any news so for those who have been keeping up to date, your two cents would be appreciated.
GME just named Cohen chairman of the board this week and in a follow up filing urged shareholders to make sure they are able to proxy vote that begins april 15th. May want to double check with your broker.

Btw Cohen waived compensation from his position and will be paid only in stock holdings. :sas2: that doesnt sound like the moves of someone who thinks this stock is going back to 14$ does it? Bullish af

So yes, the game is very much still on for GME.

As for AMC, they're looking to double their float with the next dilution which is terrible news. Holders want to vote against it but its kinda necessary since the company is still under massive debt. You can't make shyt from this stock if the company goes bankrupt.

Their CEO is going to be on TreyTrades next week, most likely to calm people from jumping ship. I would get out.

How is anyone going to squeeze a billion share float?
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Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Doesn’t a margin call seem inevitable at this point?
It certainly seems so and it fits the context of events.

All the new DTCC filings passing every week, smaller funds are getting blown up. Stock price is being nuked on pitifully small volume in spite of good news. Constant media FUD.

This whole thing has been just insane and unprecedented.


Jun 1, 2013
GME just named Cohen chairman of the board this week and in a follow up filing urged shareholders to make sure they are able to proxy vote that begins april 15th. May want to double check with your broker.

Btw Cohen waived compensation from his position and will be paid only in stock holdings. :sas2: that doesnt sound like the moves of someone who thinks this stock is going back to 14$ does it? Bullish af

So yes, the game is very much still on for GME.

As for AMC, they're looking to double their float with the next dilution which is terrible news. Holders want to vote against it but its kinda necessary since the company is still under massive debt. You can't make shyt from this stock if the company goes bankrupt.

Their CEO is going to be on TreyTrades next week, most likely to calm people from jumping ship. I would get out.

How is anyone going to squeeze a billion share float?

If you plan to hold amc make sure you vote no on diluting for now. After you get you money from the squeeze which I still think will happen go ahead and let them dilute.

What I think the ceo wants to do is dilute during the squeeze to maximize amc profits with the offering. I don't think they will do all 500 mil shares. They have plenty of money to survive I think for the rest of the year plus things are opening back up. I thought amc was a good long term play but not anymore.

It doesn't make sense to want to dilute more when you just did it in December. I think long term they see financial problems especially if covid shut things down again. I think long term a buyout or merger is likely which can be profitable if you want to hold that long.

Gme is definitely the play. Cohen is a really smart dude. I could see gme being 300 dollar stock without the squeeze. They put together a strong team already. They cut back on overhead by eliminating stores that were weak performers. They seem to have a deal with door dash for same day deliver. Ecommerce up 175% last quarter. By doing all of this it makes gme more attractive to the big money.

Gme outstanding shares is 70 mil. 20 mil is own by gme, 30 to 40 mil is own by institution or hf, and retailers own 10 to 20 mil. Last time I check it shower institution and hf owned 129%(fintel) of the outstanding shares which is impossible. Quick math lets say institution or hf own 40 mill real shares. 129% × 70 mill of outstanding shares gives us 90.5 mil shares. 90.5 mil - 40 mil = 50.5 mil synthetic shares they own us and have to cover. I also going to use a low estimation for retail and say we have 50 mil shares even though I think we own way more. 50 mil - 20 mil real retail shares = 30 mil synthetic shares.
50.5 mil + 30 mil = 80.5 mil synthetic
There no way hedge funds or shorts could cover this. Also the dtcc has been putting and trying to put in new rules all of a sudden. Seems to me there trying to protect themselves cause they know something. This by no means does this guarentee gme will squeeze. Sec, dtcc, government might step in and stop all this who knows but evidence shows hf fukk up. If anything looks wrong let me know trying to help each other make money not trying to give false info.


Jul 5, 2014
with all of the recent states/countries passing different forms of cannabis legalization do you think that will have a major impact on weed stocks?

I never really thought of getting into them, but I can definitely see where the tide is turning with how it's viewed


Jul 5, 2018
with all of the recent states/countries passing different forms of cannabis legalization do you think that will have a major impact on weed stocks?

I never really thought of getting into them, but I can definitely see where the tide is turning with how it's viewed
I hope so, I'm heavy on TLRY, and Aphria is going to merge with them soon.. on the way up brehs

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
If you plan to hold amc make sure you vote no on diluting for now. After you get you money from the squeeze which I still think will happen go ahead and let them dilute.

What I think the ceo wants to do is dilute during the squeeze to maximize amc profits with the offering. I don't think they will do all 500 mil shares. They have plenty of money to survive I think for the rest of the year plus things are opening back up. I thought amc was a good long term play but not anymore.

It doesn't make sense to want to dilute more when you just did it in December. I think long term they see financial problems especially if covid shut things down again. I think long term a buyout or merger is likely which can be profitable if you want to hold that long.

Gme is definitely the play. Cohen is a really smart dude. I could see gme being 300 dollar stock without the squeeze. They put together a strong team already. They cut back on overhead by eliminating stores that were weak performers. They seem to have a deal with door dash for same day deliver. Ecommerce up 175% last quarter. By doing all of this it makes gme more attractive to the big money.

Gme outstanding shares is 70 mil. 20 mil is own by gme, 30 to 40 mil is own by institution or hf, and retailers own 10 to 20 mil. Last time I check it shower institution and hf owned 129%(fintel) of the outstanding shares which is impossible. Quick math lets say institution or hf own 40 mill real shares. 129% × 70 mill of outstanding shares gives us 90.5 mil shares. 90.5 mil - 40 mil = 50.5 mil synthetic shares they own us and have to cover. I also going to use a low estimation for retail and say we have 50 mil shares even though I think we own way more. 50 mil - 20 mil real retail shares = 30 mil synthetic shares.
50.5 mil + 30 mil = 80.5 mil synthetic
There no way hedge funds or shorts could cover this. Also the dtcc has been putting and trying to put in new rules all of a sudden. Seems to me there trying to protect themselves cause they know something. This by no means does this guarentee gme will squeeze. Sec, dtcc, government might step in and stop all this who knows but evidence shows hf fukk up. If anything looks wrong let me know trying to help each other make money not trying to give false info.
No, you've pretty much got the the idea and are asking the right questions. The only thing I can correct you on is new Finra data shows institutional ownership has bumped up to 192%. Bloomberg terminal data never budged below 140%>

But yes, thats the current situation in a nutshell. People do mental gymnastics to say that the shorts covered but the math just does not check out. And based on sentiment retail probably owns 2 or 3 times more shares than they owned in january. None of it makes sense outside of an amazingly high amount of market manipulation.

I look at iborrowdesk data on trading days. Whether the amount of available shares is 0 or 10 million, the borrow fee never goes up. For a stock being held over 140%. It's fukking incomprehensible. The float has to be bloated 4x or more with synthetic shares.

OTC trade volume (dark pools) for GME was in the hundreds of millions the last two months. The market has more money pumped into the market than ever, yet most stocks aren't hanging on to gains. Stimulus checks had 0 effect on the market.

I don't want to guarantee, but damn how can there not be at least a regulatory squeeze on this? The GME board is being compensated via shares, no way they let their company get shorted to the ground without doing anything. How few fukks does the SEC give?

As far as AMC, a regulatory squeeze before the next dilution would be divine timing, I hope it works out that way. It's up to Adam Aaron, that Trey Trades interview is gonna be a big temp check.


Jul 5, 2014
I hope so, I'm heavy on TLRY, and Aphria is going to merge with them soon.. on the way up brehs

oh ok I gotta check that one out...

I know AZFL is one that is being talked about a lot...April 30th is when Mexico is supposed to legalize and they have a lot of connects there...could be big..FTEG too


Jun 14, 2018


Jul 5, 2014
it's early but I see a lot of red this morning..:francis: It's Monday so I'm not too stressed but still