Kenny West
GME just named Cohen chairman of the board this week and in a follow up filing urged shareholders to make sure they are able to proxy vote that begins april 15th. May want to double check with your broker.What's going on with AMC?
I don't want to hold if this goes back to red on me.
Is the GME hype train done, I was thinking if this goes any lower to buy more but now I don't know.
I've not kept up with any news so for those who have been keeping up to date, your two cents would be appreciated.
Btw Cohen waived compensation from his position and will be paid only in stock holdings.

So yes, the game is very much still on for GME.
As for AMC, they're looking to double their float with the next dilution which is terrible news. Holders want to vote against it but its kinda necessary since the company is still under massive debt. You can't make shyt from this stock if the company goes bankrupt.
Their CEO is going to be on TreyTrades next week, most likely to calm people from jumping ship. I would get out.
How is anyone going to squeeze a billion share float?
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