Dude above woke up so happy, like he needed a hug
Idk man. Streaming is changing the game. Big movies are being lined up to simultaneously debut on streaming platforms, an effect of the pandemic thats not going away
Mulan 2
Coming 2 America
Snyder Cut
kong vs zilla
Mortal Kombat 2
Black widow (will be on D+ first day)
I've maintained that AMC was distraction from GME with a float too high to pull off a squeeze. I'd dip with returns if you got em.
But I hope it pops cuz apes strong together
2000 short float on fintel for gme which has been going on for bout a year now. Excluding the new information put out about using etfs to continue to short and brokerage shares to short.
4.2 mil for amc which is a cheaper stock and has ran for bout 3 months, with new whales jumping on board and the ceo who has a purple badge in ceo'ing. I can see the company turning it around also, specially with a rap sheet like his and creating seemless ways to mesh with the digital streaming and whatever challenges they have in the future. I can see how you can say it could be looked at as a distraction but when people saw they were trying short the company to bankruptcy and come out clean it caught em off gaurd, specially when they had to deal with the gme issue.
Now they got two stocks they gotta worry about, and most likely putting a hurt on em.
But with all that said.
Still holding to my price target of 20 and holding for long term, whatever happens I'm between then and 20 is whatever.