Idk man
Airlines running the same (but smaller) risk of their reopening timeline being delayed as cruise lines.
And Boeing among all of them has the worst rep rn

not an easy bet at all
Breh do you know that around the world boeing accounts for like 60 to 70 percent of all the planes in the air? All those airlines buy their planes from either Boeing or Airbus and thats it. One or the other and most american airlines buy from boeing.
Do you know that even if you count the militaries around the world that boeing planes account for a large percentage of those planes (who you think makes F-18s and F-15s?).
Boeing just got multiple orders of commercial planes today and got the contract for the next gen trainer plane that they will be buidling soon (which will be used to train pilots on the F-35).
How about do you know who builds the ICBMs for the US? Boeing and Northrop thats it. Which these ICBMs Haven't been updated in 30 years and are due now to be updated.
You know that many of those GPS and weather satellites we use for our phones and etc are made by Boeing right?
I don't think folks truly understand how big boeing is and how many tentacles they have in everything.