Schwab stood by Schwab customers. That’s all that matters.don’t they own TD Ameritrade?
nah no they didn’t stand by their customers

If you not Schwab gang then sorry breh

Schwab stood by Schwab customers. That’s all that matters.don’t they own TD Ameritrade?
nah no they didn’t stand by their customers
Bought another 26hundodog set breh
Oh please.Lol breh stop throwing out misinformation.
Google the difference between preferred and common.
This is exactly why robbin hood and them shut down. To protect uneducated investors from losing money. I cant believe AOC sounding like a republican with all this open market shyt....
I wasnt talking about hedge funds but ok.I did. I’m saying, what’s the point of Robinhood continuing if I’m Citadel, if I’m hemorrhaging billions in a day. They would never be able to recover from that. I don’t think they care about Robinhood. It was all extra money for them.
Oh please.
These brokers don’t give a fukk about retail investors possibly losing money that they put in the market, which is fukking common sense anyway They are 1000% protecting the hedge funds from default.