The Boy with Divine Powers - Documentary on Buddha Boy

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
LeyeT, would you be interested in purchasing some of my snake oil? :leon:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

i posted a video and asked for feedback. and as per the usual the psuedo-skeptics show up, but not with any constructive dialogue but rather with slander and insults.

way to set the intellectual standard for HL fellas...

Uh, there has been constructive feedback. The constructive feedback is there is no independent verification of the phenomena in question and attempts to acquire such have unsurprisingly been met with resistance. So therefore it's probably bullshyt.

You just want people to believe in magic like you, then you get salty when they don't.


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
This is to dupe Westerners. Most of the time most of the family and people in the village are in on it.

I'm not saying that meditation is bullshyt, or being able to control the body to a certain extent is bullshyt, but this other crap is bullshyt. A lot of the time, Western scientists and skeptics will ask to conduct studies and they are shot down. Why do you think that is?

Some Whole Foods employee or Leyet type will see a video like this one:

secret of levitation in india - YouTube

And if it wasn't for the skeptic revealing the hoax, they would believe it was some Chakra/ Dragonball Z/ secret herb magic.

the bizarre part is they seem to think we would actually believe that shyt, as if my mind is still in the year 100 BC and i would believe such a stupid fukking story from a guy who probably can't read and write his own language :why:

Type Username Here

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Apr 30, 2012
lol they talked about the 70 year old man for like 2 minutes... and the old man was simply referenced as a case similar to the boy, not definitive evidence that the boy's exploits were real. you made that quantum leap all on your own.

all the reasons you gave for skepticism (or should i say cosigned) had to do with the case of the 70 year old man and nothing to do with the boy, when the documentary is clearly about the boy.

posting a random internet skeptics response to a different situation and a totally different individual holds very little weight in this discussion.

i posted a video, and asked for people's feedback.

and you came in talking about a completely different person in a different situation in reference to what i posted, which was undefinitive at best, and intellectually impotent at worst.

youre obviously emotional about this. so maybe you should just let it go...

...and walk away.


i posted a video and asked for feedback. and as per the usual the psuedo-skeptics show up, but not with any constructive dialogue but rather with slander and insults.

way to set the intellectual standard for HL fellas...

Except, they used the 70 year old man as some sort of verified proof to draw conclusions on the boy's ability. Thus, it was an integral part of the story.

Also, how am I a psuedo-skeptic? Because I pointed out that this was in no way or shape a scientific experiment? Because I pointed out that these people for some wacky reason refuse to let Western Scientists and Physicians examine their claims?

Just type in Guru Busters in youtube and have your little world shattered.

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012

I wish I could play this on a giant screen at whole foods during lunch hour and see all the wealthy, white hispters die of shock.

:krs: @ a guru in the video making $5 million dollars from dumb ass westerns and exposed as a hoax.
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Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
Capitalism is a motherfukker.

It fools people into believing they are rebelling against the system, but the system is playing them.

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
We have them here at home too, except they use technology:

[ame=]Benny Hinn Exposed by nbc Dateline [Unverified Healing Miracles] - YouTube[/ame]

May 6, 2012

shyt if Christopher Walken thinks it works then tell me more about it:bryan:
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
LeyeT after a couple of sensu beans and some liquid life energy...



May 6, 2012
Uh, there has been constructive feedback. The constructive feedback is there is no independent verification of the phenomena in question and attempts to acquire such have unsurprisingly been met with resistance. So therefore it's probably bullshyt.

You just want people to believe in magic like you, then you get salty when they don't.

what exactly is the "phenomena in question?" have we specified that? and who is stating they have scientific evidence of a phenomena that is currently undefined? in other words, wtf are you even talking about?

because from what i can see you all are still traumatized from the other thread a few months back about the 70 year old subsisting without food or water... because thats all ya'll are talking about.

but it's two totally different circumstances between that old thread and the video i posted.

if the video is a fake, and im not sayin it is or isnt, but if you think it's a fake then what parts exactly do you think are fake and why do you think so?

was the part where he was meditating fake? if so, why?

do you not believe he stayed in the tree for the five days the camera was supposedly filming him? if so, why?

do you not believe the sweat being observed came from generating an internal heat? if so, why?

answering questions in the above manner leads to a productive discussion.

but if its not that deep for such a detailed response then feel free to keep it movin.

but dont half ass it dismissing the video because of some old thread, or because of some other videos you found on youtube.

Except, they used the 70 year old man as some sort of verified proof to draw conclusions on the boy's ability. Thus, it was an integral part of the story.

Also, how am I a psuedo-skeptic? Because I pointed out that this was in no way or shape a scientific experiment? Because I pointed out that these people for some wacky reason refuse to let Western Scientists and Physicians examine their claims?

Just type in Guru Busters in youtube and have your little world shattered.

the 70 year old is an integral part of the story lol? you gotta be kidding.

also, no one made the claim this was a scientific experiment. yall came in here waging the scientific revolution not me. yall are the ones still stuck in the old thread, not me.

if yall know its not real and you dont want to discuss it thats fine. but why even come in the thread in the first place? why come in the thread and not address the video but rather address an old thread and an old claim?

and another issue folks need to address is condemning all claims because a few have been proven false, its easy to miss a truth that way. thats why i call some of yall psuedo-skeptics because youre mostly skeptical of things that are outside the mainstream and less skeptical of the mainstream itself.

maybe you less so than the others because you be on your old school war veteran shyt and you see the fukked up social conditions for what they are, and you know for the most part who is responsible. but youre being too close-minded if you dismiss this young man based on how you felt about the 70 year old man's claim. you should be just as skeptical of the mainstream belief that things like this arent possible, as you are of the belief that things like this are possible.

but for real im not gonna do too much back and forth. if yall wanna address the video thats cool, if you dont thats cool too

Type Username Here

Not a new member
Apr 30, 2012
the 70 year old is an integral part of the story lol? you gotta be kidding.

also, no one made the claim this was a scientific experiment. yall came in here waging the scientific revolution not me. yall are the ones still stuck in the old thread, not me.

if yall know its not real and you dont want to discuss it thats fine. but why even come in the thread in the first place? why come in the thread and not address the video but rather address an old thread and an old claim?

and another issue folks need to address is condemning all claims because a few have been proven false, its easy to miss a truth that way. thats why i call some of yall psuedo-skeptics because youre mostly skeptical of things that are outside the mainstream and less skeptical of the mainstream itself.

maybe you less so than the others because you be on your old school war veteran shyt and you see the fukked up social conditions for what they are, and you know for the most part who is responsible. but youre being too close-minded if you dismiss this young man based on how you felt about the 70 year old man's claim. you should be just as skeptical of the mainstream belief that things like this arent possible, as you are of the belief that things like this are possible.

but for real im not gonna do too much back and forth. if yall wanna address the video thats cool, if you dont thats cool too

Bro, you asked for our thoughts. I gave it to you.

The story, while well done, associated explicitly the boy with the story about the old man, since they were limited in their ability to observe the boy up close. They were told several times not to get too close.

The problem is, that these people know that there are guilliable people who believe in the unproven metaphysical "magic" and they prey on those people. See the videos I posted it. Everyone of these people get exposed as liars and hoaxes. Why shouldn't I be skeptical?

I'm all for yoga, meditating, eating right, intermediate fasting, but this just reeks of bullshyt.

Sorry friend, that's my opinion.

What is yours?


May 6, 2012
Bro, you asked for our thoughts. I gave it to you.

The story, while well done, associated explicitly the boy with the story about the old man, since they were limited in their ability to observe the boy up close. They were told several times not to get too close.

The problem is, that these people know that there are guilliable people who believe in the unproven metaphysical "magic" and they prey on those people. See the videos I posted it. Everyone of these people get exposed as liars and hoaxes. Why shouldn't I be skeptical?

I'm all for yoga, meditating, eating right, intermediate fasting, but this just reeks of bullshyt.

Sorry friend, that's my opinion.

What is yours?

i think it depends on how valid you think the time-lapse video of the boy meditating is.

if he stayed in that pose meditating for five hours or five days, either way it's a pretty impressive feat. but i think it's pretty whack the people making the doc didnt keep the camera on him for at least a week straight or ten days at least. to record two separate five-day spans of the boy meditating instead of one ten day span was :what: they dropped the ball there

and the whole thing with the local "committee" led by his brother seemed a little suspicious... i wouldnt be surprised if the committee's actions were driven mostly by personal agendas.

i do think the boy was really generating the heat that caused him to sweat through the mediation. thats a legit breathing and meditation practice that anyone can learn. but still, its very impressive because it takes a lot of mental discipline.

all in all if i had to bet, i'd say the boy is a legit yogi-in-training, with extreme mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual discipline... a yogi-child prodigy so to speak.

do i think he's the second coming of the buddha and he transcended proper through his meditation ...:whoa: im not convinced of that.

the older brother probably knew they boy was a child prodigy and wanted to protect him but also make a little dough in the process, because access to a holy man can be a source of great power and wealth.

to take a definitive position id need to do more investigation... but overall it was an interesting doc