here are just too many unanswered questions and too many inconsistencies. For example:
Dr. Shah has not made his "data" available to outside sources and does not plan to.
There were no outside independent researchers.
Shah's findings were not released to a reputable news organization or medical publication for corroboration, but rather, released to a blog.
The "after" picture of Mr. Jani is the same as one that was released before the test. (In other words, no real "after" picture.)
And the obvious questions continue....
Why just 15 days of testing? After all, Jani claims to have gone 70 years without food or water... why hurry a ground-breaking study? Granted, he has been "studied" in the past, but always for shorter periods of time and with questionable / closed testing methods.
If the results are truly amazing, why has not the entire world scientific community been notified and given the documents? After all, there is something to be learned here. All of humanity could benefit.
If Jani is thinner after 15 days... how has he survived 70 years?
Why did he have to "gargle" over the days of his test? Why were the standards of the test breached? How often does he have to put water in his mouth?
Why do some people in his own home town call him a notorious fraud?
Why this doctor? After all, he is the same guy who did this same sort of "research" on Jani back in 2003 (with the same sort of ambiguous findings. (link)). Why not get an independent, reputable doctor who has no relationship with Jani or stake in the study?
this is actually quite a common phenomenon in remote areas of buddhist asia, especially on the continent of indiana
I'm skeptical about these claims.
the video is about a teenage boy in india, not a 70 year old man
watch the video first, then comment.
I'm skeptical
they are obviously giving him something
the way average citizens of other countries blatantly tell random lies and fairy tales is fukkingand embarrassing
Did YOU watch the video?
The used that story about the 70 year old man who said he doesn't eat or drink water to make direct claims about what the boy can do.
they are obviously giving him something
This is to dupe Westerners. Most of the time most of the family and people in the village are in on it.
I'm not saying that meditation is bullshyt, or being able to control the body to a certain extent is bullshyt, but this other crap is bullshyt. A lot of the time, Western scientists and skeptics will ask to conduct studies and they are shot down. Why do you think that is?
Some Whole Foods employee or Leyet type will see a video like this one:
secret of levitation in india - YouTube
And if it wasn't for the skeptic revealing the hoax, they would believe it was some Chakra/ Dragonball Z/ secret herb magic.
Lol...leyet called me naive the other day and he swallows this bullshyt hook, line, and sinker.Conspiracy theorist/magic believer types calling people naive is so
to me.