The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black In America

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
The game has been rigged but we still play. Even though it can be frustrating at times to have ignorance from other races trying to downplay the systems that were set in place in this country
Whites and non-blacks stay downplaying the racism and discrimination they go through because they don't experience it. They like to say that we're just stupid or don't know how to play the game without even acknowledging all the ways the game has been rigged.

IT's easier to just say black people are "less evolved" or "unintelligent" or don't know how to run a business or society...than to acknowledge the Black Wall Street racist terrorism that destroyed a prosperous black community or years of redlining or systemic racism or slavery or colonization or jim crow or all the periods in history that white people were given handouts and black people were given NOTHING.


Jan 25, 2016
Whites and non-blacks stay downplaying the racism and discrimination they go through because they don't experience it. They like to say that we're just stupid or don't know how to play the game without even acknowledging all the ways the game has been rigged.

IT's easier to just say black people are "less evolved" or "unintelligent" or don't know how to run a business or society...than to acknowledge the Black Wall Street racist terrorism that destroyed a prosperous black community or years of redlining or systemic racism or slavery or colonization or jim crow or all the periods in history that white people were given handouts and black people were given NOTHING.

Word. Because they don't want to have to admit their success came through a slick form of white affirmative action .

They want to pound their chests and say "I did it all on my own. Why can't you?"


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
I’m actually going to get the book/dvd set from Dr. Claude Anderson, and have it in my home for the kids when I have some.

It’s information like this that should be common knowledge but it isn’t. Crazy thing is they’ll tell us “Why does it matter, let it go:mjpls:” well because this stuff has real world consequences.

One of the biggest finesses out here is cacs convincing us to let it go, while they laugh all the way to the bank. Older folks out here really think they were put on this earth to suffer, and chalk it up to some elaborate plan:why:

We need an action plan moving forward but
I’m not letting shyt go


The King Of Power
Jun 18, 2014
am about ten minutes in, stuff he's saying i've read and heard of it before. any particular section that is super important?

by the way, no matter how intellectually u put it white folks are gonna deny this, in their mind we have a equal opportunity and they will always use the 1% of super rich blacks (ballers,actors entertainers) the reason why the let some of these rich negroes is because most of em stay silent on the race issue or tap dance around it.

same with the white person with a felony and black person with a felony treatment. not only will white felons get more call backs, a lot of em seal their records so people cant seem, so it doesn't affect them etc...still interesting though will finish it later in the day

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
am about ten minutes in, stuff he's saying i've read and heard of it before. any particular section that is super important?

by the way, no matter how intellectually u put it white folks are gonna deny this, in their mind we have a equal opportunity and they will always use the 1% of super rich blacks (ballers,actors entertainers) the reason why the let some of these rich negroes is because most of em stay silent on the race issue or tap dance around it.

same with the white person with a felony and black person with a felony treatment. not only will white felons get more call backs, a lot of em seal their records so people cant seem, so it doesn't affect them etc...still interesting though will finish it later in the day
In their minds we're just complainers that can't get it together and racism isn't real....meanwhile they getting whole businesses gifted to them that they've only been involved with for a year and they're telling us to "pull ourselves up by the bootstraps" with no degree whatsoever and a criminal record/warrants.


Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
America is one big damn racist lie after another.

I read a study a while back that said that black boys that were raised in upper to middle class backgrounds were more likely to move DOWN in class than UP.

So there goes that study about money and education being some sort of great equalizer (even though it's probably better to have it than to not have it) for black upward mobility. You still got to deal with racism and discrimination in every damn aspect in life. That doesn't mean you can't be successful...but it makes it that much harder. Hence the number of black people that are struggling/poor outnumber the number of black people thriving in America. It was designed for us to fail and for others to succeed.

You can be white or white passing or non-black in America and still manage to live comfortably by virtue of not being black and use black people as a way to create wealth through labor. You can be a high school drop out too. Whenever I read these stories that black people post on here of these white entrepeneurs I don't even get excitedd. They talk about not going to college cause they have a system that will help them succeed no matter what. It's alot easier to do that when the people that run damn near everything in America are the same race as you. And they know it....a white person would NEVER trade their life for mine...and I grew up in a rich suburb.

You can be black...go to the right schools, have no criminal record, do all the required internships for your major, get above a 3.5 GPA, had a razor sharp resume, get as much experience as possible...and still get your resume thrown in the trash by some Bradley or Harrison or Matt that didn't even graduate college who got his current positions just cause he and the boss are drinking buddies...or just not even get a call back.



Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
am about ten minutes in, stuff he's saying i've read and heard of it before. any particular section that is super important?

by the way, no matter how intellectually u put it white folks are gonna deny this, in their mind we have a equal opportunity and they will always use the 1% of super rich blacks (ballers,actors entertainers) the reason why the let some of these rich negroes is because most of em stay silent on the race issue or tap dance around it.

same with the white person with a felony and black person with a felony treatment. not only will white felons get more call backs, a lot of em seal their records so people cant seem, so it doesn't affect them etc...still interesting though will finish it later in the day

Part of the problem is most of the black rich are in industries that revolve around public opinion and clout.

Imagine there being a black elon musk. He could say whatever he wanted and if they fukked with him in any way he could take his jobs, factories and cars elsewhere.

Wonder why they went through all that trouble to put blacks at 2% of the wealth and businesses?

That is real power.