Ya feel me
Jeff Jarrett shouldn't even be in this list. JJ better than all these bums

My question is the exact opposite... What has he done to gain so much unconditional love? He can't still be eating off the TLC matches in the 2000 or his short run with Tomko...
Its all facetious, Ed. You get that part, right? Randy as champ, him as the face of the company, etc. Thats all heel fodder. Why? Because its obviously not true. Its designed to make people upset because they know everything hhh is saying about Orton is actually false.HHH Chose Orton to carry the torch, and be the face of the company...that is stated, filed, notarized, and CC'd to entire wwe universe.
you all hate the fact that i'm getting everything I want in wrestling right now
Its all facetious, Ed. You get that part, right? Randy as champ, him as the face of the company, etc. Thats all heel fodder. Why? Because its obviously not true. Its designed to make people upset because they know everything hhh is saying about Orton is actually false.
Keep in mind this is a show designed for children.
My question is the exact opposite... What has he done to gain so much unconditional love? He can't still be eating off the TLC matches in the 2000s or his short run with Tomko...
Dude was slightly better than enhancement talent in his prime solo career and definitely isn't worth the effort now...
Yes, thats what I said.A basic premise in wrestling is that heels lie
Christian put on more classics in TNA and WWE than Blandy, his father and grandfather combined.