Its funny because the only thing baseless are your empty replies trying to rationalize this man
First off, how do you go from the age of 9 to 18/21
Its pretty convenient to try and discredit things especially when can you pull things out of your ass.
That has to be what your doing since your trying to downplay a historical fact
"The messenger of God betrothed me when I was six years old and then married me when I was nine years old."
Source: Sahih Muslim (by Imam al-Mawawy), vol. 3, p. 577.
The point being, whether you would class Muhammad as a pedophile by today's understanding is moot. His actions extend far beyond that.
As previosuly mentioned, Muhammad is estimated by scholars to have had somewhere between 15-25 wives. All agree that he had 9 wives at the time of his death.
Digressing from his insatiable lust, he also made a name for himself by being a deranged murder who tortured and beheaded countless Jews in the Medina incident. If he was really as a prophet of Abrahams God then those actions should be a giant red flag, but you dont wanna hear that though
Finally, I also realized why you keep associating europe and the bible so heavily.
Your one of those people who believe that Christianity is the white mans religions and by being a Muslim, you present it as a true testament to your black ancestory and all that nonsense.
The fact is all branches of the abrahamic religions were founded after Semites.
If race is the vantage point your deciding on then choosing one is no better than the other, but I guess you can rest assured by the fact that Islam started somewhere closer to africa then the rest.
If thats the case then do yourself one better and drop the whole charade and start worshipping an African god like Ogoun if thats gonna boost your self esteem and sense of racial identity