What do Nubians/Historical Ethiopians and Abyssinians/Modern Ethiopian region have to do with us
The Amarna Dynasty had certified Nubian DNA and had Canaan begging in the letters at the time of Joshua coming thru
What do Horites/Hurrians and Avaris Punic(Lebanese and Syrian) Hyksos shepherds who were seen as foreigners(represented by Joseph allowing Semites to work in Egypt), Yahweh seen as Typhon and Set(reserved for FOREIGN GODS) and mocked as a donkey god have to do with nikkas.
Throughout the Bible, Hebrews threw shots at Egyptians, North Africans, Canaanites. Two of these groups are African, the other was a vassal state to Africans, one of these groups looked inward to Africa for culture affinity. How are people who threw shots at Africans "us"? The Amarna mummies had like 60-70% Black nilotic DNA and the rest eurasian. One drop makes them Black in a nilotic descent way and not a West African way.
Connect that with the history of West Africa and descendants of West African slaves cause I don't see it. Unless you count Upper Egyptians fukking people from Avaris, creating Tri-Racials, as them being "us"?