Season three over season two?
Wait. What do you think chemistry is about?
Crixus death scene wasn't just them crying lol. That was a moment between two people conveyed without even speaking to each other.
Crixus and Naevia are drunk off their power until they get a reality check. They realize they can't win this war. But right as they were about to escape, Crixus unexpectedly gets stabbed from behind. Now he was about to get his head chopped off while Naevia was held down, forced to watch him die. Naevia will have to live with this, he knows it, and in this moment he isn't concerned for his own life, but for her. Likewise, Naevia isn't worried about her possibly dying either. You can see the sorrow in both of their eyes. Their love and devotion to each another is all in that scene.
I know it's a morbid scene to bring up

But I think it's better than all the romantic stuff from the first season. If you remove all the love scenes from Blood and Sand, there really isn't that much there between them. Like I said before, they never actually really talked (when they did it was about Crixus regaining his title) and Naevia doesn't really contribute to the dynamic; Crixus is carrying all those scenes (honestly Manu could have done all those parts just by himself and it would have been the same). Naevia was just more of an accessory, not a necessity. The Crixus and Naevia scenes in season two and three however, needed both actors...can't have one without the other. They were so good I'd like to see Manu and Cynthia work together again (on Arrow maybe? Deathstroke and Amanda Waller could interact). Whereas I have no desire to see Manu work with Lesley again (and likely neither does he).
Naevia was basically a non factor as a character in the show before Cynthia, which is why I can't see Lesley being the definitive Naevia. I actually don't even really see Cynthia as her 'replacement'.

Cynthia is Naevia and there just happened to be another actress that played her first.

She accomplished too much and her predecessor did too little for me to give her props like she somehow made gave a hard act to follow; she does nothing significant. No memorable dialogue or scenes, basically just there to sneak out and have sex Crixus, then get taken away (a plot device so Crixus could have a reason to join Spartacus rebellion). If they had fleshed out her character more where she isn't interchangeable with all the other background slaves, maybe I would see the two actors as equals, but even in the prequel when they had that chance, they still did nothing with Naevia character and once again used her to prop up another character (her friend Diona). Lesley never put a stamp on the character like Andy did with Spartacus. They didn't even acknowledge her in the series finale ending credits
Even the Good Cossutius got a shout out.