While their is much truth to the experiences of various post in this thread as well as the OP, it seems black people have to change our mind set and outlook. If we are scrutinized, surveyed and penalize more than our counterparts than perhaps we should divorce the worker mentality. By no means am i saying all blackp ppl should suddenly become self-employed but instead adopt that mindframe and spirit of an entrepreneur.
If working for someone, don't look for them to feed you for years, especially if you're working twice as hard. Instead work the job with the outlook of how to run the buisness yourself or gain the skills necessary to raise yoir value and worl somewhere that will better appreciate your skills and work ethics.
Black ppl in position to hire or manage should not hold other black ppl to the same scrutiny and unfair tactics as non-blacks. Not to say hook up every black person that walks through the door. Instead if in position to make a positive difference, do so and not adopt the ways of the oppressors.