The at home generation..

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Do us black youth have the choice to live on our own in this generation? I'm from Toronto and most ppl my age (~23) that I know live at home w/ parents. This generation is the 1st generation of immigrants, parents migrated to Canada from the Caribbean or Africa. So a lot of our parents started in apartments or low income area but they've saved up enough money to buy a house in Toronto or out in the surrounding suburbs for the family. The thing is, usually they have regular jobs and are just making ends meet, so our generation who go to college/uni and get a job or are working; money goes in to help pay the bills. This puts u in a weird position though because your basically stuck at home. You don't make enough to help your parents and live on your own supporting yourself. This shyt has been bothering me because your "suppose" to have your own place @ a certain age but your tied in helping your fam... It's a lot of pressure cuz you know how black folks are, "lolz, you at your moms house" and the only reason they can do that most of the time is if their parents have money or their parents live in the hood and they moved out so they have no ties. If I was Asian or sum shyt it would be no shame, I see them living at home stacking up prolly but some money up and get a BMW m3 and their chillin. Anyone in this same position? What will you do?

I know a black dude out in Seattle who stays with mom. Dude is a pro, prolly making to six digits a year, and dude is probably pocketing 1500 - 2000 a month, as savings, instead of spending it on housing. Dude probably helps around the house, but dudes mom is doing ok.

Dude bought a lexus from a co-worker out right.

I made a thread about dude girl. Dude still gets girls (even while dude stays at home) and last time I spoke to him, dudes girl was making $250K a year.

Dude is winning, for real!


Jul 24, 2012
Real talk most foreign parents don't want you to leave till you're marred regardless of financial situation :manny:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
exactly. These days, its practically the norm. Any of the older heads living in cheap areas have no Idea what they talking about. This ain't the 70s where you can be on ya own and make good money. In our generation, there are plenty of college grads that are broke as shyt. Don't let these broke ass older nikkas talk down on any of you. They have no idea what $4 gas is like, where food prices are outrageous, and your elusive college degree is worthless during your 20's

Real shyt. In my parents generation, good jobs were abundant. Gas was cheap. And rent and home prices were low. Now everything is astronomical. It's hard as hell to live on ur own. Even if u have a decent job and education.

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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
In the 90s, gas was under a dollar a gallon. Under 20 years later, it tripled, if not quadrupled in some places. Did wages? Food prices shot up. Rent shot up faster than salaries... and educational requirements to get a job shot up. You need a degree and years of experience to get a decent job or you have to know someone. "Back in the day" a man could work a factory job and have enough money for himself and to raise a family to where the wife didn't have to work. Now, the husband and wife both need to be college educated and working in some capacity if you want to have a family and have some savings. Let's not throw in student loans on top of the equation. Any hope of us receiving social security despite contributing to the system? I don't think so. The advent of 'globalizationi' will also mean that companies will quickly ship any job they can to cheaper places of labor, so you have that downward force on workers' wages. Baby boomer generation pretty much threw the younger generation over the edge of the ship and they attribute a lot of it to the younger generation being 'lazy' or 'not working as hard as I did back in the day.'


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
In the 90s, gas was under a dollar a gallon. Under 20 years later, it tripled, if not quadrupled in some places. Did wages? Food prices shot up. Rent shot up faster than salaries... and educational requirements to get a job shot up. You need a degree and years of experience to get a decent job or you have to know someone. "Back in the day" a man could work a factory job and have enough money for himself and to raise a family to where the wife didn't have to work. Now, the husband and wife both need to be college educated and working in some capacity if you want to have a family and have some savings. Let's not throw in student loans on top of the equation. Any hope of us receiving social security despite contributing to the system? I don't think so. The advent of 'globalizationi' will also mean that companies will quickly ship any job they can to cheaper places of labor, so you have that downward force on workers' wages. Baby boomer generation pretty much threw the younger generation over the edge of the ship and they attribute a lot of it to the younger generation being 'lazy' or 'not working as hard as I did back in the day.'

I swear I told my pops the same thing damn near just a couple weeks ago.

Also lets not factor in the cost of education rising at an exponential rate just to get said "entry" level job. So now once u graduate, ur a slave to the student loans.

My moms didn't have bread for college, but Chicago public schools forgave her loans just cuz she worked there. There's no such deal as this nowadays for young graduates.

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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That's what's so crazy about student loans. They are harder to go bankrupt on than normal debt... and yet we have schools and parents pushing students with reckless abandon right towards college without any consideration for the cost/benefit ratio. Parents seem to have this notion of, "It doesn't matter how much it costs. As long as you get that piece of paper, everything will take care of itself." It doesn't quite work that way when a young man or woman exits with $50,000 in loans and is forced to work at some low wage job he or she could have gotten without a degree because there are no openings. As much as I feel sorry for our generation, I REALLY feel for the younger generation who is going through college and will have to compete even for those minimum wage jobs.

If you want to know where all the money went, just look at upper management of any large corporation. They are being compensated hundreds of times more than the average worker. What's amazing is that Kaz Hirai, CEO of Sony, one of the largest electronics/entertainment conglomerates in the world, only made a salary of $1.6 million. In America, the disconnect between worker and upper management is mind-boggling. It's funny how so many Americans easily believe the lie that the company just can't pay any raises this year, but somehow they can pay a CEO millions of dollars in bonuses alone. We're pretty much in another era of robber barons.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I gotta help my parents too, were east euro immigrants in sauga. They just retired (my dads broken from busting his ass at a factory) don't have shyt for savings and they were 40 when we immigrated so they barely get enough money to pay the bills. It's just wut we gotta do. Taking care of your fam n staying at home ain't shameful in my culture, the canadians/americans that just toss their fam in the bushes are shameful. I got no respect for them so I don't give a fukk wut those idiots think. We building while those goofs throw money away for rent to scrape by, they're not ahead of u.

Your a good son breh

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Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
That's what's so crazy about student loans. They are harder to go bankrupt on than normal debt... and yet we have schools and parents pushing students with reckless abandon right towards college without any consideration for the cost/benefit ratio. Parents seem to have this notion of, "It doesn't matter how much it costs. As long as you get that piece of paper, everything will take care of itself." It doesn't quite work that way when a young man or woman exits with $50,000 in loans and is forced to work at some low wage job he or she could have gotten without a degree because there are no openings. As much as I feel sorry for our generation, I REALLY feel for the younger generation who is going through college and will have to compete even for those minimum wage jobs.

If you want to know where all the money went, just look at upper management of any large corporation. They are being compensated hundreds of times more than the average worker. What's amazing is that Kaz Hirai, CEO of Sony, one of the largest electronics/entertainment conglomerates in the world, only made a salary of $1.6 million. In America, the disconnect between worker and upper management is mind-boggling. It's funny how so many Americans easily believe the lie that the company just can't pay any raises this year, but somehow they can pay a CEO millions of dollars in bonuses alone. We're pretty much in another era of robber barons.

Up until th 80s u could use bankruptcy to get outta student loans. But they changed that cuz medical student were going HAM with it racking up debt and then declaring bankruptcy like :yeshrug:

So even if u were the previous generation with massive student loans you could at least get out from underneath it.

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LWO suicide bomber
Nov 19, 2012
Out here in my damn drawls
When I finally do graduate, I'm moving in with my father because it would be a waste for me to rent or buy a house because I'm never actually home, and he's never home either (dude is a trucker and running his own business). Even if I graduate and start off making the bare minimum in my field, I would have so much to save. Hell, even if I making $25,000 +, I would still be :win: because I could easily save $10,000 a year given the way I spend and my minimal expenses. The only expenses I would have is helping on a bill here or there and my own cellphone bill (my only bill @ this point besides gas, vehicle matinence, keeping myself clean and feeding myself). No kids, I don't do dating anymore :scusthov:, and I don't have much college debt going into my senior year (a lil bit under $8,000 total for 3 years, plus summer courses).

Now why the f*ck would I or anyone in my situation, or a worst situation with the burden of more college debt actually waste money on renting when we can just stack bread living with a parent :what:? Most of us aren't ever really at home, so it just becomes a place to establish residence for mail. I could see if you had overbearing parents and have to move out, but that's it. I don't have to bring women over because they have their usually have their own spots, and the freaky ones don't care where we f*ck :heh:

There's nothin' wrong with our generation staying home longer if we're out tryna strive and :lift: until we get into a space, mentally and financially, where we can make a comfortable life for ourselves. Now if you're living at home doing nothing, not keeping the place clean or doing yard work, sneaking around like a child, havin' a baby mama or two, and you have kids that you don't take care of, and you don't pick up the water and light bill...............:beli::pacspit::comeon::aicmon:.

Go back home and stack with no shame. Inflation and the cost of livin' can go s*ck a d!ck :stylin:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Real shyt. In my parents generation, good jobs were abundant. Gas was cheap. And rent and home prices were low. Now everything is astronomical. It's hard as hell to live on ur own. Even if u have a decent job and education.

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shyt like that, I declare higher education as a scam. A SCAM!