My God the "Felicity is Super Awesome!" stuff in this episode was sickening.
Diggle and Oliver were bumbling idiots against the Hive guys in the lumber yard but Felicity was able to capture one of them remotely in record seconds.
Oliver gets his ass kicked by the card guy yet Felicity send dude running out of town.
She forces Oliver and Diggle to be friends again.
She is now also a genius at biology and dentistry.
Now on to stuff I liked:
T-spheres! Curtis **** may be a gigantic wuss but at least the potential to be cool is there since he is actually making Mr. Terrific's signature weapons.
The bad acting Willa Holland did in this episode was hysterical.
They buried Sara in her Black Canary costume?
And considering Malcolm just told Thea that her bloodlust wouldn't be quenched until she exacted revenge on the one who killed her exactly how much sense did it make for him to toss Sara in the Lazarus Pit when Thea was the person who killed Sara? Worst father ever.
That being said it is always cool to see Malcolm.
Sara being all feral and stuff is interesting but I am going to need her to snap out of it by the end of next week's episode.
Damien Darhk continues to be awesome. Neal McDonough seems to be enjoying the fukk out of this role.