if it goes to the low 50s tomorrow, I’m droppin another stack.

if it goes to the low 50s tomorrow, I’m droppin another stack.
but what drives the price to drive up that high? I’m assuming shorts covering and driving up demand?
There’s a lot of speculation on Reddit/stocktwits saying the government actually will not want to step in knowing that Uncle Sam will getting a huge cut from investors and that the gains will stimulate the economy like never before with all the spending people will do when it’s all said and done.
Nancy Pelosi’s husband trying to be slick. Apparently he purchased 1 million shares of Alliance Bernatein. I’ve read that AB purchased 456,000 shares of AMC back in May.
If politicians are in on it, I don’t see them cracking down. They trying to get this money tew
1. majority of people will be caught off guard and will be trapped on a hamster wheel. Work to pay bills, pay bills to work. Never gaining traction or upward mobility.
2. I cant speak for all, But I'm one of those people. I am grateful for all of the previous jobs I had. The best thing I took away from the pandemic is. No one can pay me what I'm worth. I'm resourceful enough to create my own source of income. The majority of stress in my life came from punching a clock.
At this stage of my life and with my skillset/ credentials I cant give a job 40 hours a week and expect to make more than I do for myself. This includes insurance. I can go on with this answer, but I think you get the point.
3. I dont know enough about crypto yet. But when this is over I plan to dedicate.the time I spent on this to learning crypto. If I had to invest today, I would stick with the obvious: bitcoin and ethereum. Only because i know those are the safest plays.
About Us - Insider Monkey
This the guy who owns that website btw.
Insider Monkey's hybrid evaluation system was created in 2003 by Dr. Ian Dogan. Dr. Dogan has a Ph.D. in financial economics with a specialization in insider trading. Dr. Dogan has provided consulting services to institutional investors and hedge funds, and managed a $200+ million fund using a strategy he developed utilizing insider transactions. Dr. Dogan recently authored the insider trading chapter of soon to be published "The Handbook of Investment Anomalies" by Zacks Investment Research. Insider Monkey will serve the outcome of the methodologies developed by Dr. Dogan to ordinary investors who don't have access to academic quality research and tools to shape their investments.
Thanks breh, wish u would’ve gon on with point to. I’m an RN and during the pandemic, working short, treated like crap, no raise, and dealing with ppl is stressful (to me) and now it looks like my hair is thinning. I wasn’t sleeping well for about 3 months straight and I’m pissed and want out, but feel stuck. Whatever happens with this stock, I gotta get out, even if it means a paycut. I felt maybe I was ungrateful, but I hate nursing and what it is, but can’t figure out what else pays.
Nope! They locked me out of my account on purpose to tell me no trades were going to be completed until the accounts were settled.Could you have still sold those shares, even while waiting for the cash?
I'm confused why do you need to switch it? Just because of share lending?? Or can it effect current positions
I got a home girl in the same boat as you. Shes also an RN and hates it. The only reason she got into it is because she’s a reformed THOT single mother. Loves her patients but hates their rude family members and her coworkers. She dropped 10K back in early June and is ready to put in her 2 weeks when the squeeze starts.
Holy shyt