Last minute run up on GME 
bout to be green after all that today.
AMC found a little life last minute too.

bout to be green after all that today.
AMC found a little life last minute too.
I am detecting alot of impatience recently in his thread.
Don't put your rent money in this!!
Just money you can afford to give up.
Russell 1000 reshuffling happens last 15 minutes of the day and into after hoursLast minute run up on GME
bout to be green after all that today.
AMC found a little life last minute too.
Russell 1000 reshuffling happens last 15 minutes of the day and into after hours
The motley fool?Read an article on The Fool that eviscerated the viability of AMC's potential, short and long term. Shyt on the whole movement.
Had to go get some positive reinforcement from this thread after all that negativity I read.
Read an article on The Fool that eviscerated the viability of AMC's potential, short and long term. Shyt on the whole movement.
Had to go get some positive reinforcement from this thread after all that negativity I read.
They’ve been writing those articles since it was $2.Read an article on The Fool that eviscerated the viability of AMC's potential, short and long term. Shyt on the whole movement.
Had to go get some positive reinforcement from this thread after all that negativity I read.