So these hedge funds want the market to crash?? WTF??
So how does that help us?

Or does it?
If the market crashes they think they can get a bailout or we could get liquidated. But that would mean amc would have to crash as well.
They're intentionally crashing because it may be their only hope of winning.
You'd think there would be some repercussions for that but we of course know there won't be for them specifically. Then they can blame the crash on us for holding a stock lmfao.
The money it would take to crash everything has to be immense though. It'd probably just be cheaper to cover at this point. Unless they're SERIOUSLY down. They must have shorted this and gme far more than anyone knows, far more than what's been reported. Idk if I should believe this but if it's real, damn.... imagine thinking shorting the entire market into oblivion is cheaper than covering for your own dumbass mistakes when you could've been covering for 6 fukking months