Let’s say you sell 500 shares of AMC for 30000 and bought TRCH this afternoon and made 20% on that . Your 30K is now 36K . You can buy more shares of AMC now (an extra 1000 shares give or take ) . How does that not make financial sense ?Unless you’re trying to avoid short term Capital gains tax and shyt like that .
Thats a scenario that was entirely possible today .
I think it’s silly for a couple reasons: these are my observations of the market thus far. If you have a sure play and you got in a good position, you stick with the sure play. Most people aren’t that effective with the swing trading/day trading shyt on a novice level from what I’ve seen. Probably because you need 25k to really do it at minimum on the brokerage accounts for intraday trading. That’s not to say to say you couldn’t have made bread on CLVE, TRCH, or whatever. You surely could/can. However, greed is always a factor. “Imma let it run tomorrow to see what it does

” and the shyt tanks. My homeboy got his cap peeled getting into CLVE in the 20’s and then it went up to 28, and was down in the doldrums the next day

. He took a big L thinking it would go higher and lost money. He didn’t cash out anything. I would bet his situation is more common than the circumstance where a person picks up a quick flip for new traders.
Secondly, with as volatile as AMC has been how can anyone reasonably expect to be able to just jump back at a preferred entry point? We’ve seen AMC explode pre-market, we’ve seen it tank. We’ve see it explode upward and downward. If I told you AMC was going to shoot up to $70 in the morning would that sound that crazy? You got in at $5 and sold, and had to buy back in at $70? That’s an L!
Obviously, all hypothetical but I see what you’re saying. I hope you see what I’m saying too.