This is a concept I think is very important but people don’t get.
The price of a stock is pretty much disconnected from the bottom line of a company.
Stock price goes up or down it doesn’t affect the company much unless they chose to sell more stock
The price of a stock is dictated by how much people are willing to pay for it period.
AMC stock price goes to 100K they still gotta find a way to sell movie tickets.
This goes for any stock. Instead of worrying about a companies bottom line, you should just care about where the stock price might go. That’s all that matters
By law short sellers have to buy back all stocks they shorted during a margin call. If they don’t have the money they have to liquidate their company and if that doesn’t cover it the feds step inQuestion: Who's going to buy the stock from you at 500k a share?
Little Finger was my second favorite character behind Half Man. You really can learn some moves off that fkn show tooI’m nothing special breh. I work in government contracting and make 6 figs a year. I’ve been with the same contractor for 10 years and gotten a promotion every 2 years consistently by working smart and watching Game of Thrones and legit applying lessons I learned from that show. Shout out to Peter Baelish the god and my mentor
I also chose a good wife who also makes 6 figures and trusts me. In February when GME and AMC had their “mini-squeeze” I researched the situation, decided it was worth getting in on and explained it to her. She said I don’t understand but I trust you so we took some savings and rolled it over into the stock.
I already came up a decent amount off this, now I want the rest of my bread soon so I can enjoy this summer![]()
By law short sellers have to buy back all stocks they shorted during a margin call. If they don’t have the money they have to liquidate their company and if that doesn’t cover it the feds step in
Sell it then. Nobody stopping you.The rest of us thinking about house down payments, S Classes, and retirement
oh yeah i forgot, yall holding for 100k![]()
Question: Who's going to buy the stock from you at 500k a share?
What does that mean?