Here’s why a lot of people think this is the endgame, or at least the beginning of the end.
Media attention has spurred FOMO that’s generating new buyers by the day.
Millions of hardened investors are determined to hold, against every short attack hedges level at them, no matter how low the price goes.
The lower the price goes, combining the two aforementioned facts, the higher it will invariably follow.
So, hedges are faced with a classic catch-22 from which there is no escape.
If they don’t short the stock, a gamma squeeze will be initiated, sending the stock up as more ITM calls are collected.
If they do short, which they almost certainly will, investors will look at it as a discount and buy up the shares, sending it up - thereby initiating the gamma.
The more they short, the more expensive it becomes, because the demand is only increasing - effectively initiating a feedback look that will cost hedges billions per day (yes, per day, not week).
This is it, people. All of these youtubers aren’t bullshytting when they say THIS is it. There is no turning back.
If y’all want to change your lives and gain some measure of financial freedom you once thought unobtainable, be prepared to buy this week. Even if you can only afford five or ten shares or even just one or two, this play will absolutely change your life in a way you never imagined.