Have they already been burnt though,and come up with a counter? Remember the hypothesis about GME?
That the hedgefunds that got burnt were pushing the price at the end of the day? So by the time people heard about it,it would be too late to buy options.
And the people who did buy on the upward momentum would raise the IV and contract prices.
Then the same hedgefunds who got burnt would turn around and sell covered calls and collect commissions.
They were saying its an artificial inflation of the price. And that they could keep doing it over and over as long as GME was a hot topic,they just had to keep price to where people remained hopeful. I only posted that video to show that tweet that said it was supposedly a global count.
Personally I don't like to believe anything

You never know where alot of this news and hypothesis are coming from,or whos the wizard behind the curtain.
If we know they are paying youtubers to cause "fud",no reason they wouldn't pay people to hype the stock or put out fake numbers they know most people aren't smart enough or have access to decipher on their own. I put nothing past any of these people,some of us will win and some of us will get burnt at this stage is the most likely scenario imo. I'm looking to retest the 70's,then mid 80's,one step at a time