Breh i been looking at the amc reddit the past couple days.
No reason to not believe some of those guys saying they'd have millions if they pulled out right now and aren't cause they want everyone to win
Its doubtfull enough people will hold to get it to the magical six figure numbers. That really depends on how quickly the price starts moving when the squeeze starts.
Plenty of people will be out once it hits 4 figures. I'll sell at least 5 myself once that happens.
I bought the wrong dip at like $45.Missed the drop to $40.. would've thrown another $1500 in..
Lost all my gains
We all we got, #hodlgang
remember, they are not showing you the real price for this stock. everything is artificially kept low so weak people would sell. we are 100k amc gang over here..
Im still at mad at myself for panic selling my gme shares back in MarchWas up 5k on gme now only a $100
i wouldn't know but i saw some youtube video where they did a conversion ( i can't find the video ).What u think the true price at now?
The psychology of it all is crazy.
They know we “feel” this up and down movement.
They don’t feel it cause they basically got unlimited money and their lives are already set.
Ive watched my money go deep into the red. I held cause I had no choice.
I watched my money go to a height that I have never seen in my days of trading. I held cause it wasn’t enough to change my life.
Ive now watched my money go down from that height.
Knowing what we know about the share count and the squeeze potential has not changed. In fact it’s only gotten stronger as of late. None of this up and down price fukkery should bother us. We know we got them trapped as long as we hold.
But I’d be lying if I said the price movement doesn’t effect me. It does, I’m stressed every day watching my money go up and down.
But with that said, I’ve decided I’m changing my life or bust. Still up like 35k right now. It’s soooooo tempting to take my money and run, but ultimately my life would be the same. That ain’t why I’m here. I need life changing money. That’s why we hold. Either I’m gonna get to tell my grandchildren about that time I let $35k slip through my fingers or ima be taking them on joy rides in my lambo I bought from joining in on an internet revolution.
I can’t tell y’all what to do with your money, but if you bought in with life changing money in mind. Be strong and hold. The numbers are on our side. The challenge is our patience and ability to control our emotions
Guess I’ll buy some more gme during this dip