Theoretically either share can go as high as the apes are willing to hold for. Its a matter of how many shares over the float would need to be covered, if the stock keeps squeezing through all the paperhands who are willing to sell at lower prices, then it can get to the outrageous prices you read in this thread.
I think GME will push the limit of the maximum share price the fed will allow since the float is owned so many times over and at lower volumes per individual. When a paperhand sells it will only give 1-50ish shares to the shorters that need them.
AMC has more shares in it's float and more shares per individual. So when a paperhand sells early it will be to the tune of hundreds if not thousands of shares. But I think the squeeze publicity and the FOMO will have more people on code. You gotta think how many more people had this same kind of conversation this weekend. Anybody who knows why GME and AMC are trending again knows what type of returns they're holding for.
I thought 50 before but it could probably hit 100.
what's the maximum share price the fed will allow?
when you say 50-100 you mean $50 to 100.00?
That's a good point.
The government knows big biz can get around taxes with loopholes but the average Joe is going to pay some $$$ on the capital gains. Financially, let the regular Joe's eat now and let Uncle Sam collect his share of the cheese next spring.
That’s the only way this makes any kinda sense to me. The gmc thing came outta nowhere for most of us, but it seems like everyone knows about this and that’s kinda scary. But if something crazy is allowed to happen one of the reasons will be because the regular dude gets his taxes done at Walmart and will pay every cent and be happy to do so, whereas hedge funds been getting away with paying little to nothing forever now.