I liked it a lot, but I wouldn't put it over any of the other 3 from the original trilogy.
I never grew up on comic books and I only watched the cartoon sparingly as a kid so I never have any problems with characters being portrayed differently than they were in those things. This is why I've always been a fan of Spider-Man 3. It didn't bother me that Venom was only in the movie for a small period, or that they took Spidey and had him dancing and actin' emo.
I liked the origin story a lot, definitely better than what Raimi did, but I think once they got passed the origin, they rushed the movie a bit. I like the whole thing with Spidey vs. the Police, but not enough time was spent on it.. same with Gwen and Peter's relationship.
I liked it for being different enough than the other movies, but I still prefer the others for the campyness and the less-dark approach they had over the Amazing Spider Man.
It was better than The Avengers, as well.. but I wasn't really feelin' the Avengers that much.