Prof Lumumba breaks down the DRC-Rwanda conflict
very good video
at its core its typical farmer vs nomadic herder stuff seen all around the world but yeah
-belgians documented seeing rwandans in the kivu province during arrival so the propaganda that they came only after the genocide is just that
-beligans created identity issues by putting rwandans in certain administrative roles and then giving congo a large portion of kivu that rwandans also coexisted on
-this created a post colonial tension i referenced earlier between farmers and herders that was subtle at first but grew louder
-the rwandan genocide is the culmination of that tension
- the congolese take in rwandans including genociders ....which ok.... they could not distinguish who is who at first but the genociders (hutu farmers) impart their ideology on some congolese who lived similar lifestyles (farmers)
-congolese leadership arm groups like FDLR and click up with hutu extremist like Burundi
-Uganda/Rwanda and rebel Congolese forces root out enough of them in the Congo war
-Congo leader turns on Uganda/Rwandan and goes back to enabling the farmer vs herder tension by denying citizenship to non-farmer rwandans and arming farmer rwandans
the biggest tell tale sign that the way this conflict is framed is more colonizer propaganda is that the same nations that enabled the genocide are the same ones now claiming m23 is just attacking congolese for no reason and pretending a lot of rwandan congolese are not a large bulk of the casualties from congolese militias. why would they do that? drc is in bad shape and easier to exploit than if the farmer vs herder issue is rectified.