Essential The Africa the Media Doesn't Tell You About

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Part 3
African countries have no say in the decision pertaining to their financial and monetary policies. While French president Macron in 2017 called for a gradual phasing out of the colonial currency CFA, apologizing and encouraging the economic independence of African nations, the French eyes have not left the prize. At the end of 2019, monetary reforms were announced by ECOWAS and Macron. They introduced the new currency ECO to replace the franc CFA. They further abolished the requirement to deposit foreign exchange reserves in the French Treasury and announced the withdrawal of French representatives from the West African Economic and Monetary Union. These reforms were the very result of a public outcry to abolish the colonial currency by panafrican social movements, intellectuals and citizens both within Africa and the diaspora. However, it appears that these gestures are mostly symbolic as the financial dependency associated to legal and monetary policies of West African nations to France remains in place. The likelihood is that France will take over the control of the Eco from ECOWAS and maintain the benefits it has had with the franc CFA by various financial, economic and political means.

Clearly the independence of West African Nations remains more cosmetic than actual as imperial forces keep their holds on these countries’ finances. However, the discontent of African populations has become more vocal. In Mali, as many have observed, the French military presence has been basically ineffective pertaining to its official objectives and the political and economic chaos in the country continues on. The incredible level of corruption exhibited by the now deposed president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita (IBK) has led to a veritable popular uprising by Malian citizens. The movement of opposition to IBK baptized M5-RFP (movement of June 5 – Gathering of Patriotic Forces), demanded the departure of the president. Prey to jihadist activities, the poorest regions of Mali remain abandoned by IBK’s government while jihadist groups furthered the divide within Mali by fueling interethnic conflicts, Peuls against Dogon, Tuaregs against Peuls, etc.

IBK, supported by France, had practically done nothing to help solve the situation. Of course, like in many countries, the IMF “adjustment” structural programs have led to the gutting of the public sector and the destruction of public industries and services. In consequence, thousands of government workers have had to be laid off, hospitals and schools have had to close, and so on. The indulgence and lack of concern by the IBK regime had led to the uprising of the Malian people, a 20 million population, 40% of whom live in utter poverty and face the plight of hunger. As O. Mariko remarks, it is this abject insecurity, the famine, the lack of health care, of schools, of infrastructure that often lead people into the arms of jihadists, despite the fact that the great majority of Malians practice a moderate Islam. Unfortunately, since the French intervention, extremism has only proliferated in the region. It is obvious that the social and political situation of the Malian people does not figure on the imperial French agenda. Not only have the French no longer engaged in a peace mission alongside the UN forces but they keep on propping up corrupt governments, even turning a blind eye on the embezzlement of funds destined to aid and development.

Since the French intervention, extremism has only proliferated in the region.”

While the people of Mali rose en masse against the corrupt IBK government and the foreign presence in their country, on August 18, 2020, the military, led by Colonel Assimi Goita (also US trained) arrested IBK and transported him to a military base after which he accepted to resign from his presidency. In a fashion similar to the coup of 2012, the five officers declared themselves the National Committee for the Salvation of the People. The great majority of Malians rejoiced at the downfall of the IBK government but the event was right away condemned by the French, British and German governments. Similarly to the events of 2012, the African Union, considering the coup unconstitutional, and ECOWAS suspended Mali’s membership and imposed sanctions right away: border closure, a ban on trade and cuts in flows of capital against the torn nation, with the fear that the coup would plunge Mali “deeper into insecurity and a serious humanitarian crisis.” ECOWAS and the “international” community demanded the return of the loathed president to power. Only after the military accepted a transition to civilian rule did ECOWAS lift the imposed sanctions. Today a government comprised of both military and civilians, led by chosen president Bah Ndaw, heads the country of Mali. According to Mariko, these events, as those of 2012, should not be called “coups” as much as they are the results of tremendous popular discontent about the social and political conditions in Mali, conditions that have not been in any way improved (and in fact worsened) by French and European presence in the region for a people stuck between political elites serving French interests and foreign interests themselves.

“These events should not be called ‘coups’ as much as they are the results of tremendous popular discontent.”

Unfortunately, the popular uprising of 2020 that shook Mali, did not deter at all the persistence of antiterrorist activities by the French. Prior to the coup, a new task force was introduced into Mali: the Takuba Task Force was supposed to accompany the Malian military in the fight against jihadists. This group was supported, in March of this year, by the governments of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Mali, the Netherlands, Niger, Norway, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom, while the following countries are to contribute to the special operation units: Ireland, Estonia, France, Finland, Latvia, Denmark, Belgium Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and the UK. It certainly appears that a whole lot of other Western actors, led by France, want to participate in the plundering of the continent and get some access to the loot, for it would be deeply disturbing for one to actually believe that any of them would intervene in Africa for any other reasons. And although social and political conditions are not changing and may be getting worse for the people, imperial forces continue mouthing the same narrative, on and on, of fighting the very extremist terrorism they created, even if indirectly. The United States, of course, is never far behind. Proud to claim France to be its oldest ally in the fight against terrorism, AFRICOM has given consistent support to French imperialist activities in the Sahel since 2012, providing transport, aerial refueling, intelligence, logistics, training and drone support. It is clear that, on the imperialist world map, if South America represents the “United-States’ backyard,” West Africa represents “France’s backyard.”

Despite the fact that the on-going fight against terrorism has not yielded any “positive” results, whatever that means, it is obvious that France and its cohorts have no interests whatsoever in the population of these African nations.

A whole lot of Western actors want to participate in the plundering of the continent.”

The events described above clearly illustrate the neo-colonial imperatives motivating France and European nations to intervene, as well as the attempts of those nations to uphold their economic interests against global competitors. The destruction of public services, the absolute dismissal of social difficulties plaguing countries such as Mali shows that, despite the empty reassurance of the French president, these are of no concern whatsoever to imperial and neo-colonial forces who only cater to foreign private corporate interests. Those imperialist forces are particularly keen in creating chaos and destabilization while at the same time claiming to want to do away with it, and all the while preventing any popular democratic endeavors to resurrect some degree of political stability and popular dignity. The consequences of the destruction of Libya by NATO and its allies has created problems which France and its European cohorts now claim to cure with their interventions. Thus, the French, Europeans and Americans play both sides of the coin by being both the cause and the solution of the problems faced by the nations in which they intervene, while facilitating access to markets and resources by private foreign interests. Since the independence of most West African Nations in the early 60s, the same old story keeps on repeating itself while their sovereignty, their right to self-determination, to true independence has yet to be realized. While rich in raw materials, these countries’ populations remain mired in poverty. If the people of Mali wish for a better life, for a popular democracy and serious, respectful international cooperation, they clearly will not get it from France, its European cohorts or the United States. As Thomas Sankara said,” imperialism is a system of exploitation that occurs not only in the brutal form of those who come with guns to conquer territory. Imperialism often occurs in more subtle forms: a loan, food aid, blackmail. We are fighting this system that allows a handful of men on earth to rule humanity.” These words are as true today as they were then.
French Imperialism and Neo-colonialism in Mali | Black Agenda Report


Dec 24, 2014
'Pressure from US, EU could destabilize Ethiopia'

West aims to punish Ethiopia using Tigray crises ruse to contain Chinese influence in region, say experts

Seleshi Tessema | 22.04.2021



Pressure from the West, particularly the US, on Ethiopia to cease military operations and engage in dialogue with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) could prove counterproductive and destabilize the country, analysts are warning.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Endale Belay, a lecturer in the Ethiopian Civil Service University, said the US and the EU have been threatening sanctions and other coercive measures in a bid to force Ethiopia to return political space to now-defunct TPLF.

Last week the US Senate and foreign ministers of G7 countries -- the world's seven advanced economies -- passed separate resolutions to put pressure on Ethiopia. Earlier the UN Security Council met four times but failed to arrive at a consensus to take punitive measures against Ethiopia.

Endale Belay

"The multipronged pressure has been defacing, confusing, intimidating, and alienating Ethiopia from its neighbors and global partners subdue it [Ethiopia] to their multifaceted hidden agendas," said Endale.

Wuhibegzer Ferede, a teacher in Bahir Dar University in the Amhara Region in Ethiopia apprehended that the US and its allies may hold back financial aid and issue crippling sanctions.

The European Union has postponed 90 million euros ($109 million) budgetary support to Ethiopia due to what it said the "lack of access to the country’s Tigray region to deliver humanitarian aid".

The Biden administration has also paused $272 million worth of development and security assistance to Ethiopia. It has linked the resumption of assistance to several factors related to the Tigray crisis.

The Tigray crisis erupted in November 2020, when the TPLF ruling the Tigray region attacked the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) in the regional capital, Mekele. In retaliation, the Ethiopian government led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched an offensive against the TPLF.

In a three-week military operation, the TPLF lost control of the Tigray region except for small pockets from which it is controlling low-level insurgency. Most of the key civilian and military leaders of TPLF were killed and captured. However, some leading fugitive leaders are still at large.

Humanitarian crises

International organizations say the fighting has caused a humanitarian crisis leaving millions of people displaced. The Ethiopian government says that it was responding to international demands and exercising its legal obligations towards its citizens, claiming that it had provided local and international aid agencies unfettered access to the region.

According to official spokespersons, some 3 million people have been provided food and other aid. They said that 70% of the assistance was covered by the Ethiopian government.

On the demands to conduct an independent investigation into rights violations, the government said that it has agreed to conduct a joint investigation including Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Further, the Eritrean troops, who were fighting on the side of Ethiopian forces in the region have also started withdrawing, according to the government.

The G7 ministers called on establishing a clear inclusive political process that is acceptable to all Ethiopians, including those in Tigray, and which leads to credible elections and a wider national reconciliation process.

Referring to this statement, Endale said the G7 has laid bare its hidden motives

"They are working to bring the outlawed TPLF into the political equation and form a new subservient government," he said.

He added that neither the government nor the public will allow the TPLF to be part of the "inclusive political process’’ and part of the new government.

"The nonstarter position of the west can embolden TPLF and other insurgents to continue with their subversive acts, weaken the federal government and derail the country’s reform and consequently destabilize Ethiopia," said Endale.

West wants submissive Ethiopia

He added that the West wants a submissive Ethiopia to demonstrate its power in Africa.

Wuhibegzer said the changing world order that had created multiple global forces competing for the influence is one of the factors that had led to the unprecedented and unrelenting pressure on Ethiopia.

"The West very well knows that world is no longer dominated by them and there are many developing nations capable of providing all types of assistance to Africans," he said, adding that it was essential for them to assert control by finding pretexts.

"The Tigray conflict has motivated the West to exert pressure and thereby control Ethiopia that aspires and have been pursuing an independent foreign policy," he said.

He said the US and Europe are concerned about the growing influence of China and that looks like the reason behind pressuring Ethiopia.

"Chinese direct investment (FDI) in Ethiopia had reached US$4 billion and bilateral trade had grown to $5.4 billion," he added.

At the UNSC, Beijing vetoed the US and European resolution aimed at sanctioning and condemning Ethiopia over the Tigray crisis.

He said both countries (China and Ethiopia) were well aware of the motive and have been now upgrading their political relations by conducting a higher-level political meeting.

"The pressure is pushing Ethiopia to find trustworthy friends in the form of China, Russia, and other developing nations. Africa must embrace the new world order and resist humiliating western demands," said Wuhibegzer.

'Pressure from US, EU could destabilize Ethiopia'

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
They did the same thing with Haiti right before the invasion of 1915. :scust:
They got some help tho

At the UNSC, Beijing vetoed the US and European resolution aimed at sanctioning and condemning Ethiopia over the Tigray crisis.

He said both countries (China and Ethiopia) were well aware of the motive and have been now upgrading their political relations by conducting a higher-level political meeting.

"The pressure is pushing Ethiopia to find trustworthy friends in the form of China, Russia, and other developing nations. Africa must embrace the new world order and resist humiliating western demands," said Wuhibegzer.


Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos

Has this been posted yet?


By the way, does anyone have travel tips for South Africa? I'm trying to make my way over there next year :mjgrin:

Who knows how many animals and plants are going to be harmed because of this.
Last edited:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Flutterwave teams up with Amole to make remittances to Ethiopia easier
by TechGist Africa

May 26, 2021

Flutterwave, a payments technology company, has partnered with Amole, Ethiopia’s largest mobile Digital Wallet network, to allow money transfers into Ethiopia through Amole, to Amole Wallet, bank accounts, and cash pickup locations at over 2,500 locations across the world.

Amole provides its customers with digital payment options as well as access to digital goods and services, allowing them to complete purchases at their leisure.

The collaboration will benefit Ethiopia’s economy by making diaspora remittances easier for over 8 million Ethiopians living abroad, who send over US$5B to Ethiopia per year.

Users consider Ethiopia’s remittance service to be costly, with manual paperwork and delays making it difficult and time consuming for Ethiopia’s diaspora community.

This collaboration addresses these issues by offering no-fee instant delivery of funds to recipients, as well as greater control over where and how money is sent, as well as regulatory transparency.

According to a study by the National Bank of Ethiopia, over 75% of Ethiopia’s population is unbanked, with Addis Ababa accounting for nearly 40% of all bank branches.

By facilitating remittances from diaspora Ethiopians, this partnership would broaden financial services to these underserved populations, thus expanding business opportunities for small and rising enterprises in these communities. As a result, users of the service will be able to collect cash from any of Amole’s 2,500 licensed agent locations, increasing financial inclusion in the region.

Also read: Flutterwave named “Pioneer” in TIME’s ‘100 Most Influential Companies in the World

“We are delighted to be collaborating with Amole to allow digital remittances and cash pickup into Ethiopia,” Our partnership will ensure that Ethiopian companies are paid from all over the world, creating tremendous opportunities for business growth, which is a target that we are passionate about. This is just the beginning, and we intend to expand the reach of our collaboration to the good of all Africans.”Flutterwave Founder & Chief Executive Officer Olugbenga ‘GB’ Agboola said.

“We are pleased to partner with Flutterwave in providing critical forex that will help both our customers and Ethiopia,” Asfaw Alemu, CEO of Dashen Bank, said. This relationship will be critical in providing even more value to our diaspora community, connecting them to their homeland and expanding global eCommerce opportunities in the near future.”

“We are very excited to work with Flutterwave and leverage our combined technologies to expand our service to the Ethiopian Diaspora community, our customers, and merchants to allow cross-border remittance and commerce,” said Yemiru Chanyalew, CEO Moneta Technologies, SC. We are increasingly focusing on cashless and eCommerce payments at Amole. Our joint efforts to make remittance and eCommerce payments as smooth and interoperable as possible would help Ethiopia achieve much-needed financial inclusion.”

A sender outside Ethiopia enters the recipient’s data, the payment destination (Amole digital wallet, bank account, or cash pickup location anywhere in Ethiopia), and the security question and answer with which the receiver may access the funds if the preferred payment destination is through an Amole approved agent.

Flutterwave teams up with Amole to make remittances to Ethiopia easier


Apr 30, 2012
I'm still perplexed at how some africans can suck off Kagame. Him and his rebels are literally responsible for igniting the April 94 genocide. We all know damn well it was them who shot down that plane. There was always going to be vengeance given what had been boiling up for decades. But he won in the end. his pr is god status.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
I'm still perplexed at how some africans can suck off Kagame. Him and his rebels are literally responsible for igniting the April 94 genocide. We all know damn well it was them who shot down that plane. There was always going to be vengeance given what had been boiling up for decades. But he won in the end. his pr is god status.
He’s PR is the west