Essential The Africa the Media Doesn't Tell You About

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Egypt Reportedly Working on Military Base in Somaliland

Egypt does not seem to be stopping to toil for getting a military foothold somewhere near Ethiopia. This time it is Somaliland. The news of latest attempt came soon after failure of alleged attempt to distablize Ethiopia internally through the agency of local non-state actors.

July 20, 2020

Egypt has approached Somaliland with the aim to set up a military base. A report by Somaliland Standard on Saturday said that an Egyptian delegation has met with Somaliland President, Musa Bihi Abdi. The two sides have discussed the proposal, according to the source.

However, the report did not say if Somaliland has nodded or declined for the Egyptian proposal. What is known is that the two sides have an agreement “on exchange of high level representation offices in Hargeisa and Cairo.”

If Somaliland accepts the proposal, said the source, it will get recognition from Egypt which it sees as a passport for recognition of a bunch of Arab League Members.

It also sees Egypt’s approach to get a military foothold in Somaliland as a response to Somalia for “siding with Ethiopia” over GERD dispute.

Last month, there was a rumor that Egypt attempted to secure a military base in South Sudan – news that the latter dismissed as a baseless one. South Sudanese Ambassador to Ethiopia, H.E. James P. Morgan, told Ethiopian Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew that “his country will not do anything that would harm Ethiopia.”

Egypt and Ethiopia failed to reach an agreement over the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Heavy rain received last week in the country helped start the filling of the dam while the negotiation between the three countries is expected to continue.


Pan-African News Wire

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
China, Russia Opposed Appointing French Diplomat as Head of New UN Mission to Sudan

July 22, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - Russia and China are blocking the appointment of a French diplomat at the head of a new political mission of the United Nation to support the democratic transition in the East African country.

Jean Christophe Belliard (file photo)Jean Christophe Belliard, one of Africa’s longest-serving French diplomats and South African diplomat Nicholas Haysom who serves UN special envoy for Sudan are the candidates to lead the new United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS).

Established on 4 June upon the request of the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, the political mission will provide technical assistance to the Constitution drafting process, supporting the implementation of all human rights, equality, accountability and rule-of-law provisions in the Constitutional Document.

Foreign Policy Magazine on Wednesday reported that Russia and China stand against Belliard’s appointment despite the support expressed by Hamdok for him.

The French diplomat "was subsequently blocked by China and Russia, on the grounds that he potentially lacked the support of the Sudanese military," wrote the Washington based magazine.

Last June s Sudanese officials confirmed to Sudan Tribune that Hamdok backs the French diplomat who until recently served as the Deputy Secretary-General at the European External Action Service because he supported the civilian government after its appointment in September 2019.

Belliard led two EU assessment missions to Sudan to consider ways to support the Sudanese revolution. He successfully brought the attention of EU leaders to the east African nation and worked hard to push Brussels to support Hamdok government.

Also, he was seen in Khartoum in a private visit with his family immediately after the Revolution visiting the pro-democracy sit-in before to be violently dispersed by the Sudanese military on 3 June 2019.

EU leaders particularly Germany and France voiced their strong support to the civilian government in Sudan and pledged to provide the necessary help to achieve a successful transition.

Hamdok was received by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in Paris and Berlin.

It is not clear how the Security Council will break this impasse but at least it will delay the operation of the UNITMAs as the head of mission should be appointed several months before to prepare the launch of the mission by January 2021.

Pan-African News Wire

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Egypt’s Parliament Approves Military Intervention in Libya

By Thomas Hamamdjian
Africa Report
Tuesday, 21 July 2020 18:37

Egypt's Parliament approved on 20 July 2020 military intervention into Libya (AP Photo, File)

As Cairo demonstrates its readiness to intervene in Libya in response to GNA’s announced offensive on Sirte, how much bluff versus reality do these threats contain?

On 18 July, troops from the Fayez al-Sarraj-led Government of National Accord (GNA) set out in the direction of the city of Sirte, located northwest of Libya’s strategic oil crescent, with the objective of taking back control of this area held by the Libyan National Army (LNA) – under the command of General Khalifa Haftar – and mercenaries with ties to the Russian private security firm Wagner Group.

GNA military commanders said that around 200 vehicles are on their way to Sirte from Misrata. As these troops move closer to this strategic city, the likelihood of a confrontation between Libya’s various rival factions and their international backers increases.

As a matter of fact, Cairo, allied with General Haftar, is reviewing a number of military options to counter the advance of forces loyal to the GNA and the latter’s Turkish ally.

According to the Egyptian media outlet Al-Ahram, Egypt’s parliament met on Monday, 20 July to discuss the military situation in Libya. The debate was set “to be followed by a vote to mandate President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to intervene militarily in Libya”.

‘Africa’s strongest army’

During a meeting on 16 July in Cairo between the Egyptian president and Libyan tribal leaders, the latter group asked Sisi to authorise Egypt’s armed forces “to intervene to protect the national security of Libya and Egypt”.

Sisi pledged his support to them on Monday 20 July in Cairo after Egyptian MPs unanimously approved a military intervention in Libya, in accordance with Article 152 of the constitution, which stipulates that “the supreme leader of the [a]rmed [f]orces […] shall not declare war or send the [a]rmed [f]orces outside the state’s borders to undertake fighting missions unless he first seeks the opinion of the National Defence Council and the approval of a two-thirds majority of MPs”.

In a resolution passed on 13 July, Libya’s House of Representatives – located in Tobruk and which backs LNA forces – asked the Egyptian and Libyan armed forces “to work together to guarantee the occupier’s defeat and preserve shared national security in the face of the dangers posed by the Turkish occupation”.

In his meeting with Libyan tribes on Thursday, Sisi said that Egypt has “the strongest army in the region and in Africa”. He also reiterated that “Sirte and Al-Jufra are a red line for Egypt”, but did not elaborate on the scope of a future Egyptian military intervention in Libya.

Fears over an ‘endless war’

President al-Sisi also said that Egypt’s armed forces will continue to “work side by side with the LNA in terms of […] training Libyan army officers […] and providing [eastern] Libyan tribes with weapons”, as most tribes back Haftar’s troops. “But the Egyptian army is a very wise force, and it is not interested in mounting occupation operations,” the president added.

A number of observers are sceptical about the idea of Egypt directly intervening in Libya.

“Turkey announced that it was openly intervening in western Libya in December and January. Over this period of almost nine months, Egypt didn’t intervene to block Turkey,” said Jalel Harchaoui, a political commentator on Libya and research fellow at the Clingendael Institute in The Hague.

“Since the end of May, Wagner Group – closely and enthusiastically assisted by the United Arab Emirates – has carried out the overwhelming majority of work to ensure that the GNA is unable to take control of Sirte.”

MP Hussein Abu Gad, a member of “Mostaqbal Watan”, the parliamentary majority party, told Al-Ahram that Egypt’s military threats do “not necessarily mean that Egypt will send troops to Libya or that Egyptian military forces will participate in any fighting missions on Libya’s [territory]”.

“Egypt knows that if it sends its army to Sirte, it will automatically unleash a war that will have no end in the foreseeable future. The human and financial cost of such a war has the potential to destabilise a government that is already beset by a number of major problems, including the Nile dam dispute, the coronavirus pandemic, a particularly painful economic crisis and the situation in the Sinai, which only continues to worsen,” warns Harchaoui.

Pan-African News Wire

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

4 August 2020
New Reports Suggest Libyan Warlord Khalifa Haftar Is Working with Mossad
By Raul Diego

Reports of Israeli support for the Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar are nothing new, but as the apartheid state gains ground among Arab nations, the need to hide Mossad’s role in the destabilizing of oil-rich Libya may be disappearing.


The stench of the CIA and its covert operations in oil-rich Libya has long followed General Khalifa Haftar. But now another intelligence organization is being tied to the controversial military officer as accusations of extensive dealings with the Mossad are being levied against him by an Israeli journalist, who claims that Haftar met with members of the Israeli outfit in Cairo from 2017 to 2019.

It is not the first time Haftar has been linked to the apartheid state. In 2017, the General reportedly coordinated with the Israeli Defense Forces IDF to bomb military positions of the so-called Islamic State inside Libya. Two years earlier, in 2015, the Jerusalem Post published an account from an unnamed Arab newspaper asserting that Haftar planned to meet Israeli officials during a visit to the capital of Jordan and struck a deal with them to exchange oil and arms for help in his push for power.

The latest claims of Haftar’s Israeli links also involve the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is said to have mediated the meetings between the commander of the Libyan National Army and two Israeli assets named by the anonymous source as Ackerman and Mizrachi. The source, in fact, dates Haftar’s connections to the Jewish state as far back as 2011 when the Israeli Air Force ostensibly coordinated with the Libyan strongman to target jihadist groups who had flooded the country in the wake of Gaddafi’s U.S.-sponsored murder.

Adding to the intrigue are parallel claims that Iran – Israel’s sworn enemy in the region – has also been providing Haftar with military aid in his campaign to topple the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, running counter to official reports coming out of Iran declaring its support for the GNA.

These accusations are coming from none other than the Israeli envoy to the UN, who accused Tehran of supplying advanced weapons systems to Haftar, calling it a “grave violation of Security Council resolution 2231 (2015),” which attempts to halt the “supply, sale or transfer of arms” from Iran.

Allies in the desert

Iran, for its part, denies these allegations. In a joint press conference held by Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu last month, Zarif stated that Iran wanted to “have a political solution to the Libyan crisis to end the civil war” and both reiterated their support for the GNA. Iran contends that Haftar’s main allies, such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia, are Iran’s enemies and it would, therefore, make no sense for them to support him in any way, as this would only increase the influence of the Gulf states in the region.

But the turmoil in Libya coupled with its immense deposits of oil and strategic geopolitical significance make Haftar a magnet for a plethora of interests vying for some measure of influence over whichever faction ends up assuming control of the country. Indeed, there is practically no country with any precedent in Libya that has not been caught trying to gain Haftar’s favor or better.

At the top of the list is the United States. When Haftar betrayed the man he had helped put in power back in 1969, it was in Langley, Virginia – a stone’s throw away from CIA headquarters – where Haftar resided for two decades, plotting the overthrow of the “Brother Leader.” So it is perhaps not too surprising that a man known to be an asset of the only superpower operating in the region would attract the favor of more than one suitor, in spite of any differences between them.

Israel’s interest

What is undeniable, however, is Israel’s burgeoning intention to build stronger alliances with Sunni states like the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt – all of whom are strong supporters of General Haftar. In addition, Israel has historically cultivated relationships with African despots and helped execute coups throughout the continent. Both during the conflicts that bring them to power and once installed, these authoritarian regimes help to put Israel among the top ten arms dealers in the world.

The more successful Israel is in currying favor with the Gulf states and its Arab partners, the less need there will be for any pretense to hide its role in the ongoing reconfiguration of the Middle East and Africa. In June, the deputy prime minister of the eastern Libya-based government, Abdul Salam al-Badri, was reported to have sought the support of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying that Libya has “never and will never be enemies of Tel Aviv.” For the moment, such open gestures of friendship with the apartheid state are still too distasteful to be uttered in public, and al-Badri was forced to deny the report after his remarks caused an uproar in Libya.

New Reports Suggest Libyan Warlord Khalifa Haftar is Working with Mossad

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Israel is helping Rwanda rewrite the history of genocide

By +972 Magazine
February 20, 2018

Israel, which has supplied numerous despotic regimes with advanced weaponry, is now helping the Rwandan government rewrite the narrative of the 1994 genocide. So much for the lessons of the Holocaust.

By Eitay Mack


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with President of Rwanda Paul Kagame, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem on July 10, 2017. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)

Israel was the only Western state to endorse the Rwandan dictatorship’s scandalous proposal in January to change the factual and legal international consensus about the genocide that took place there in 1994. The Rwandan government seeks to create a new narrative that deletes from memory the murder of moderate Hutus who supported a compromise with the Tutsis. Following the resolution’s adoption, Noa Furman, Israel’s deputy ambassador to the UN, delivered a passionate speech justifying Israel’s support for the proposal with the claim that Israel, after the Holocaust, understands the global responsibility to remember human history’s darkest episodes.

Israel’s support for the Rwandan government’s proposal to rewrite its history has far-reaching implications for Rwanda itself. Israel’s support grants legitimacy to Paul Kagame, the Rwandan dictator, who is intensifying his harsh internal repression. Kagame has managed to remain president for life by holding improper elections and by the constant surveillance, persecution, torture, disappearance, and murder of opposition activists. The regime also restricts freedom of press and freedom of association. Thus, for example, Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, who headed the opposition United Democratic Forces party, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment after she asked why the museum commemorating the Rwandan genocide does not mention the Hutus who were murdered.

Foot-dragging and a war of attrition

Israel’s support for the Rwandan government’s proposal also has far-reaching implications for the ability to prevent genocide in the future. Proposals like this one restrict our understanding of the phenomenon of genocide as a product of the development of complex processes, which we can nip in the bud once we recognize their telltale signs. In Rwanda and Guatemala, for example, civil wars escalated into genocides. Had the international community acted to stop these civil wars and the flow of arms into these countries, perhaps the genocides could have been prevented. Today, we fear that the civil war in South Sudan could escalate into a genocide, but the UN Security Council is split — unable to agree on a resolution that calls for an arms embargo, significant sanctions on those responsible for the crimes and for the ongoing war, and their indictment.

Deputy Ambassador Furman lied on the podium of the UN General Assembly. I assume she knows this. For decades, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which she represents, has authorized or turned a blind eye to the exporting of arms and training to dictatorships and other violent regimes. Indeed, the Israeli defense industry has reached nearly every corner of the globe where genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and severe violations of human rights have occurred, supplying Uzis to members of the Tonton Macoute militia, which raped and murdered the masses of Haiti during the Duvalier dictatorship; arms and training to the militias of the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines; arms and training to the Guatemalan regime during the genocide there; and guns and munitions to Rwanda during the genocide in 1994.

Not only has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allowed the selling of arms and training to despotic and murderous regimes (and continues to do so today), but the Ministry has also conducted a war of attrition against those attempting to expose these arms deals and bring them to the public’s attention. This January, the Tel Aviv District Court rejected a freedom of information petition, which I filed with genocide scholar Prof. Yair Auron, demanding the publication of documents regarding weapons sales to Rwanda during the genocide. The legal campaign began four years ago. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs objects to the publication of these documents, although it was already revealed in a letter we received from the State Attorney that the ministry had “missed” the beginning of the genocide by six days. During these six days, around 20,000 people were murdered in the capital Kigali alone before the director of the Defense Ministry ordered the freezing of security exports to the country. Furthermore, there is solid evidence that Israeli security exports continued throughout the entire span of the genocide.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs employs numerous foot-dragging tactics. Court hearings in cases regarding defense exports have been cancelled more than once at the very last minute because the ministry’s representative had to travel abroad all of a sudden. The freedom of information procedures take years. We have been waiting for two years for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finish checking whether it can disclose the documents regarding arms sales to the military dictatorship in Argentina, which murdered or disappeared around 2,000 Jews. When we appealed to the Supreme Court, the government demanded that we post tens of thousands of shekels in guarantees just to be able to carry out the procedure to disclose the truth.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara visit the Remembrance site for the victims of the Rwanda Genocide in 1994, at Kigali, Rwanda, on July 6, 2016. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)

Lessons from the Holocaust

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs opposes revealing documents that detail Israeli sales of arms and training to Pinochet’s junta in Chile, which was responsible for cruel, unprecedented tortures. The same holds true for documents that detail arms sales during the civil war in Sri Lanka, where tens of thousands of civilians were murdered in several months — by planes and ships made in Israel. The ministry refuses to disclose documents regarding arms and training sales to the apartheid regime in South Africa and to the Serbian and Serbo-Bosnian forces during the war and genocide in Bosnia. The ministry has asked the Israeli Supreme Court for a gag order on the court’s ruling regarding arms and weapons sales to Myanmar, where an EU and U.S. arms embargo is in place. And the ministry has asked the courts for a gag order on the legal proceedings regarding weapons and surveillance systems sold to South Sudan, which, according to the UN Security Council, are being used to commit crimes against humanity there.

When Myanmar’s ambassador to Israel repeatedly claimed in interviews with Israeli media that Israel is still selling arms to Myanmar, and that the deal between the two countries was intended to bypass the EU and U.S. arms embargo, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reprimanded him. We have yet to hear the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Israeli ambassador to the UN publicly criticize the crimes that Myanmar’s security forces are committing, in particular the ethnic cleansing of the Muslim Rohingya minority.

Similarly, despite the presence of a local Armenian community in Israel and an ongoing public, academic and political campaign, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prevented an official Israeli recognition of the Armenian Genocide for decades, so as not to harm Israeli arms sales to Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should atone for Israel’s weapons deals with despots around the world instead of collaborating with the Rwandan government to rewrite history. It is imperative that the ministry increase transparency regarding past and present Israeli defense exports. Israelis who have been complicit in grave crimes across the world — this includes senior former officials in the ministry — must be brought to justice — civil and criminal. The current law for monitoring security exports must be amended, so that the sale of Israeli arms to foreign security forces that commit severe crimes, such as disappearing people or using rape as a weapon of war, can be prevented. MK Tamar Zandberg has been trying to promote such legislation in the Knesset for several years, but has so far been blocked by the Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministries.

Over the years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its representatives have been complicit in the sale of arms and training used in atrocities across the world, and complicit in concealing documentation of these atrocities from the Israeli public. They have dishonored the memory of the Holocaust, its survivors and their families.

Israel is helping Rwanda rewrite the history of genocide - +972 Magazine
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Over US protests, China Partners AU on Disease Control

Home Over US protests, China partners AU on disease control

By Timo Shihepo

Aug 07, 2020

Windhoek - Construction of the Africa Centres for Disease Control (Africa CDC) headquarters will start soon after the African Union and China’s Ministry of Commerce signed an MoU for the project to commence, despite protests from United States.

Africa CDC was launched in 2017 as a long-term response to the 2014 Ebola pandemic with a view to co-ordinating continental responses to disease outbreaks.

All AU members contribute to the Africa CDC, with further financial assistance from China, Japan, Kuwait, the US and the World Bank.

Africa CDC presently operates out of the AU’s headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and the US$80 million funding from China – extended via the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation – will give the key institution its own base.

However, the US has opposed the funding, claiming China wants to mine data in Africa and use the continent against Washington in the trade war with Beijing.

The claims have fallen on deaf ears, and last week AU Commissioner for Social Affairs Amira Elfadil and China’s Vice-Minister for Commerce Qian Keming held an online MoU signing ceremony for “the Project of the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Headquarters Building (Phase I)”.

Mrs Elfadil thanked China’s President Xi Jinping for Beijing’s continued support for Africa’s development.

“The African Union Commission attaches great value and importance to the significance of the construction of the Africa CDC headquarters building and AU will do all its best seriously in the realisation of the project,” she said.

Vice-Minister Keming said the financial support for Africa CDC was in fulfilment of a pledge made by Beijing through FOCAC.

The Africa CDC headquarters will be located south of Addis Ababa on a site approximately 90,000 square metres in size. The actual HQ floor area will be nearly 40,000 square metres.

Besides the administrative functions, the HQ will have an emergency operations centre, a data and resource centre and a laboratory, among other facilities.

Pan-African News Wire