Essential The Africa the Media Doesn't Tell You About

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
  • Russian State Bank Reports It Mistakenly Loaned Central African Republic, $12 billion.
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  • Amenna Dayo
    Thu, Nov 29, 2018
  • Russian Bank, VTB says the part of its financial report that says they lent Central African Republic (CAR) $12 billion was a clerical error and that such a transaction never happened. Is this true?
  • "I call it the Rule of Three. If you read a company's financial statements three times, and you still can't figure out how they make their money, that's usually for a reason." - James Chanos

    What will come to your mind if a top financial institution in your country released its financial reports and list of debtors on all leading newspapers, and you find that your name was listed as a debtor who has borrowed an amount six times your worth? A loan you know nothing about!

    Well, that was the position 'little' Central African Republic (CAR) found itself in when Russian State Bank, VTB released its financial statements this week with a part of it showing that the institution had lent the country the sum of 801,933,814,000 roubles ($12 billion) as at October 1, 2018.

    This is more than six times the annual output of the African country.

    Central African Republic (CAR) has a population just about 5 million and according to reports by the World Bank, the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is only $1.95 billion.

    After the report raised a lot of concern, the Bank released a statement saying the part of the report that said it loaned CAR $12 billion was a 'clerical error' and that there was no such loan.

    “VTB bank has no exposure of this size to any foreign country. Most likely, this is a case of an operational mistake in the system when the countries were being coded,” the Bank said in a statement sent to Reuters.

    But how can a Bank the caliber of VTB make such an error, especially when it involves such a huge amount of money?

    Spokesman of the Government of Central African Republic, Ange Maxime Kazagui in reacting to the matter said:

    “I don’t have that information. But it doesn’t sound credible because $11 billion is beyond the debt capacity of CAR.

    “We are members of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). When a member of the IMF wants to take on debt … it has to discuss that with the IMF.”

    The Bank is however yet to clarify if such a loan was given to another African country it had mistaken for CAR or if such a loan was not existent at all.

Fam. How do you wash $12B? The laundering technique must be :ohlawd:
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Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
The Human Origin Story Has Changed Again, Thanks to New Discovery in Algeria

George Dvorsky

Yesterday 4:55pm

An Oldowan core pulled from the Ain Boucherit site.
Image: M. Sahnouni
The discovery of 2.4-million-year-old stone tools and butchered bones at a site in Algeria suggests our distant hominin relatives spread into the northern regions of Africa far earlier than archaeologists assumed. The find adds credence to the newly emerging suggestion that ancient hominins lived—and evolved—outside a supposed Garden of Eden in East Africa.

This extraordinary discovery can be traced back to 2006, when Mohamed Sahnouni, the lead author of the new study and an archaeologist at Spain’s National Research Center for Human Evolution, found some intriguing artifacts at a site called Ain Boucherit in northeastern Algeria near the city of El-Eulma. These items were embedded in a sedimentary layer exposed by a deep ravine. Two years later, Sahnouni found another layer at the site, one even older. From 2009 until 2016, his team meticulously worked at Ain Boucherit, uncovering a trove of stone tools and butchered animal remains.



The team working at Ain Boucherit.
Image: M. Sahnouni
Using multiple dating techniques, Sahnouni and his colleagues dated the two stratigraphic layers, dubbed AB-Up and AB-Lw, at 1.9 million and 2.4 million years old, respectively. The items within these two layers are now the oldest known artifacts in North Africa, the previous oldest being 1.8-million-year-old stone tools found in the late 1990s at a nearby site called Ain Hanech. The tools found within the AB-Lw layer, at 2.4 million years old, are 600,000 years older than the ones found at Ain Hanech, and 200,000 years younger than the oldest tools found in East Africa (and the world, for that matter)—the Oldowan tools of Gona, Ethiopia, dated to 2.6 million years ago. Scientists used to believe that early hominins evolved in this area of Africa, spreading to the north around a million years later. But this finding now suggests a much earlier dispersal date into the continent.

To put these dates into perspective, our species, Homo sapiens, emerged 300,000 years ago. So the unknown hominins who built these tools were romping around eastern and northern Africa some 2.3 million years before modern humans hit the scene. The new discoveries at Ain Boucherit, the details of which were published today in Science, suggest North Africa wasn’t just a place where human ancestors lived and developed tools—it was a place where they evolved.
(The Human Origin Story Has Changed Again, Thanks to New Discovery in Algeria)

It's interesting how every few years, theres a new discovery of remains in the continent. Perhaps, these folks were the ones that migrated to the Middle East?

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
At Least 1 Million Bees Found Dead in Cape Town

Beekeepers in and around Cape Town, South Africa are facing significant losses of their pollinators in recent weeks.
The mass deaths have been linked to an insecticide called fipronil that was likely incorrectly used by the area’s wine farmers, according to media reports.

Brendan Ashley-Cooper, the vice-chairperson of Western Cape Bee Industry Association, told the BBC about 100 of his hives were affected and between 1 million and 1.5 million bees died.

“A week ago we started getting calls that beekeepers were finding dead bees in front of their hives. I came to inspect my bee site and found similar results and found thousands upon thousands of dead bees in front of a lot of my bee hives,” the commercial farmer told South African broadcaster eNCA.

The beekeepers suspected that the area’s wine farmers were spraying their vineyards with a mix of ant poison and molasses, the Weekend Argus reported last week.

Ashley-Cooper sent a sample of the mixture to a laboratory in Cape Town, which determined that fipronil was the main ingredient in the sample, the West Argus reported over the weekend. The wine farmers have since stopped using the pesticide.

Life Without Bees: The Effects on Food

Other area beekeepers lost hives, including Lawrence Woollam, who told the West Argus his business will be severely impacted after losing between 90 percent and 100 percent of his bees.
Fipronil is a broad-spectrum insecticide used to control ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, termites and other insects. It works by disrupting the central nervous system of invertebrates.

Source: Mark Helm / Flickr / CC BY 2.0

As the South African explained, the bees were likely attracted to the sweetness of the molasses. After ingesting the potent mixture, they brought it back to their hives and infected the rest of their colony.

Both wild and managed bee hives in Cape Town’s southern areas were affected, Ashley-Cooper told the BBC.

Honey bees and wild bees are vital for crop pollination and are a critical part of our food system. One out of every three bites of food we eat is dependent on bees for pollination, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. However, bee populations are crashing around the world due to factors such as neonicotinoids, habitat loss and disease.

The Cape Town beekeepers, wine farmers and the government are now working together to find a solution to the problem. Further tests will be conducted to confirm whether the pesticide is to blame.

“The farmers have been very concerned about the bee die-off. We’re having meetings with the farmers in the next couple of days to have a look if they have caused this problem and to see if we can find solutions,” Ashley-Cooper told eNCA.

The original source of this article is EcoWatch
Copyright © Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch, 2018


May 20, 2013
I know I'm being impatient. But it's frustrating that actual countries in 2018 still don't know how to make a train and railway. Bullet and maglev trains I can understand. But regular trains and tracks just have me at :wtf:

Typically,the lender specifies his own country's firms for the work which is only natural-that's just how the world works.


May 20, 2013
Future African generations will look back at the current African non-youth generation and judge them with deep contempt, not just the ruling elite but the whole age group. This piece of shyt generation must be completely removed from power. I walk with a growl on my face everytime I walk past them on the street. Look at them straight in the eyes and all you see is brain dead passivity. Pathetic. But the next African generation might just turn out to be worse so let me not praise my peers too early since our enemies always find away to promote the dumbest mofos of each generation.

Sidenote, I remember watching Dr Mumbi's videos before anyone knew her, now she got 74k subscribers on her way to 100k,
Coli nikkas catching on to the Seraki juice.

My dude! "Dr." Seraki is too pedestrian to be taken srsly by anyone! This Chinese cop station story was fake,btw. Her career is very easy including these easy to tick boxes:
-blame African patriarchy
-all our leaders are corrupt and incompetent
-China is untrustworthy

Everyone likes and cheers this sophomoric ishyt and she now has a career!! IF THE CHINESE POLICE STATIONS IN RSA ARE REAL I'LL APOLOGISE AND WITHDRAW MY POST!!
Feb 6, 2017
Stoic disciples
My dude! "Dr." Seraki is too pedestrian to be taken srsly by anyone! This Chinese cop station story was fake,btw. Her career is very easy including these easy to tick boxes:
-blame African patriarchy
-all our leaders are corrupt and incompetent
-China is untrustworthy

Everyone likes and cheers this sophomoric ishyt and she now has a career!! IF THE CHINESE POLICE STATIONS IN RSA ARE REAL I'LL APOLOGISE AND WITHDRAW MY POST!!
She is also still into New World Order, Illuminati conspiracies which is so 2008.
But her videos are enjoyable on a Sunday with a glass of whisky though.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Tanzania Orders Destruction of Monsanto / Gates’ GM Trials Due to Illegal Use for Pro-GM Propaganda

December 2 2018
By African Centre for Biodiversity

Tanzanian civil society organisations (CSOs) welcome the decision of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Mathew Mtigumwe, to bring an immediate stop to all ongoing GM field trials taking place in the country. These are under the auspices of the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) project which includes Monsanto, the Gates Foundation and national research centres. This decision has since been verified by the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture, Japheth Hasunga in latest media reports.

In a report issued by the Ministry, the Permanent Secretary ordered, with immediate effect, the cessation of all field trial operations and the destruction of all “the remnants” of the trials at the Makutupora Centre in Dodoma, where trials were taking place. This decision has come after the Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) released the results of the trials without the necessary authorisation, when it invited certain members of the public, including the well-known pro GM lobbyist, Mark Lynas, to witness how ‘well’ the GM crops were performing. TARI also hosted a recent excursion to the trial site by the Parliamentary Committee on Food and Agriculture.

Unauthorised access to trial sites indicates collusion between biotech lobbyists and GM researchers paid by the Gates Foundation and others. Mark Lynas’s unethical social media hype uses Tanzania’s smallholder farmers in an instrumentalist way as a means to justify the introduction of GMO crops in the country, claiming that Tanzanians are poor and hungry. The statements of the pro-GM scientists have not yet been corroborated by the Ministry of Agriculture or related institutions such as the Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute (TOSCI).

The biotech machinery both in Tanzania and elsewhere has supported a well-funded media campaign to spread pro GM propaganda and to push for the adoption of GM maize in the country, despite the questionable benefits for smallholder farmers. They have consistently made unsubstantiated claims about the GM varieties, including superior drought tolerance and resistance to fall army worm.

In a media report ‘New push in pipeline for acceptance of GMO seed’, GMO trials were hailed as a “success” with the Director General of TARI claiming that ‘GMO seeds are a solution to the longstanding problems of pest invasions in farms across Tanzania’. These unsubstantiated claims were made on the effectiveness of the insect resistant Bt trait -MON 810 – that was ‘donated’ to WEMA countries even though it has been phased out in South Africa due to massive and widespread insect resistance.

That the claims are unsubstantiated was confirmed by the recent decision of South African biosafety authorities to reject Monsanto’s application for commercial release of its triple stacked GM drought tolerant maize, MON 87460 x MON 89034 x NK 603. The decision was made on the grounds that the field trial data insufficiently demonstrated the claimed drought and insect resistant efficacy of the GM event. MON 87460 is currently being field trialed in Kenya, Uganda and Mozambique where the WEMA project is also active. The decision to stop the trials is another blow to the WEMA project following so soon after the South African decision.

Farmers’ organisations including Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania (MVIWATA), the national smallholder farmers’ organisation, other CSOs, academics from the University of Dar es Salaam and members of the scientific community and the public within and outside the country, have openly criticized the WEMA project and the GM trials taking place in Tanzania. In a recent letter to a local newspaper, MVIWATA strongly expressed the view that “farmers have called for our government not to allow GMOs to be used in the country for obvious reasons that neither farmers nor the nation shall benefit from GMOs”.

Organisations have condemned threats by local scientists, who are paid by WEMA, to push for further revisions of the country’s biosafety regulations. The aim of proposed revisions is to change from strict liability to fault based provisions to allow the commercial release of the GM crops once the trials were completed. Strict liability means that whoever introduces GMOs into the environment is directly legally responsible for any damage, injury or loss caused. Fault-based provisions mean that the fault or negligence of whoever introduces a GMO will first have to be proven.

According to Janet Maro from Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT)

“the move by the Permanent Secretary comes at a critical time when almost all media houses are publishing the pro biotech propaganda about the successes of the field trials without a shred of solid research data to back up their claims. We call upon the Permanent Secretary to encourage researchers to carry out farmer-centered research aimed at addressing current pressing challenges and to explore using locally available solutions to ensure sustainability and wider adoption of locally researched practices and technologies.”

Dr. Richard Mbunda a food sovereignty researcher and lecturer from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Dar es Salaam also supported the view, recently writing an open letter to the President questioning the deployment of GM technology in the country.

Sabrina Masinjila, Tanzania-based research and advocacy officer at the African Centre for Biodiversity says,

“we hope that this decision will help the government rethink investments when it comes to agricultural research. Rather than spending huge amounts of scarce public resources on failed and discredited GM technology, we should focus on strengthening existing research institutions, and support participatory farmer research on seed systems aimed at strengthening seed, food and national sovereignty.”


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Featured image is from ACB

The original source of this article is African Centre for Biodiversity
Copyright © African Centre for Biodiversity, African Centre for Biodiversity, 2018

The original source of this article is African Centre for Biodiversity
Copyright © African Centre for Biodiversity, African Centre for Biodiversity, 2018


Apr 30, 2012
one of you computer nerds read and copy this link for me. don't know how to do it. site can't let me. :francis:

It’s a milestone for Tanzania as ORCI deploys ‘nuke’ medicine

too bad TZ signed the no nuclear weapon bill in the 70s. They have the man power, resources and brains for develop their own nuclear weapon program.
didn't stop other countries for still having it anyways:scheme:

This is great for their medical sector though


Alone In My Zone
Sep 30, 2012
The Cosmos
one of you computer nerds read and copy this link for me. don't know how to do it. site can't let me. :francis:

It’s a milestone for Tanzania as ORCI deploys ‘nuke’ medicine

too bad TZ signed the no nuclear weapon bill in the 70s. They have the man power, resources and brains for develop their own nuclear weapon program.
didn't stop other countries for still having it anyways:scheme:

This is great for their medical sector though
Yeah, that site is blocking it somehow. I had to download it as a PDF then convert the PDF to a web link.

It’s a milestone for Tanzania as ORCI deploys ‘nuke’
It’s a milestone for Tanzania as ORCI deploys ‘nuke’ medicine
THE Dar es Salaam-based Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI) has made history by putting
nuclear medicine services to use in diagnosing and treating complications related to heart
conditions - the first time this has been done in Tanzania.

The practice is the use in diagnosis and treatment of heart complications—for the first time in

The technology, which entails the use of radioactive substances, will be used more widely to
detect heart complications among patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the
facility as well as those with coronary diseases from other hospitals.

ORCI executive director Dr Julius Mwaiselage told journalists in the city yesterday that they
were working in collaboration with the national (Tanzania) Office of the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA).

He said the technology has a number of advantages, including facilitating the detection of
side-effects resulting from thermotherapy or radiotherapy and making appropriate medical

The director explained that it was no surprise that some patients undergoing chemotherapy or
radiotherapy developed heart complications, adding that the deployment of nuclear medicine
would be of great help in mitigating the impact.

“Patients with problems with coronary arteries who have never been subjected to
chemotherapy or radiotherapy before will also be much more easily and effectively diagnosed
and treated,” explained Dr Mwaiselage.

He said he saw the development reduce the number of complications related to heart
conditions now referred to the Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute (MOI), the Jakaya Kikwete
Cardiac Institute and Muhimbili National Hospital.

He also saw patients from neighbouring countries benefiting from the new newly introduced
services at ORCI, noting: “This particular use of nuclear medicine is a first for Tanzania and
across the East African Community region. Our goal is to detect and treat heart disease
complications among patients at ORCI and outside the facility.”

Dr Tausi Maftah, an expert in nuclear medicine, confirmed that ORCI can now make early
detection of complications due to chemotherapy and radiotherapy generally.

Prof Raffaele Giubbini, an Italian nuclear cardiologist, meanwhile explained that nuclear
medical services involve reliance on advanced developed technology.

The professor, who is head of Nuclear Medicine at Italy’s University of Brescia, said nuclear
medicine has long proved extremely useful in detecting various health complications and
facilitating treatment.

“I’m happy to help my Tanzanian friends in putting to useful life-saving purpose the technology
deployed. I’m sure that by applying the technology involved here, Tanzania will more easily
achieve its goals - especially in providing ?uality health services,” he said.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Just in time :mjlit: Ramaphosa's strategy of neutering the EFF and wooing back industrial growth/foreign investment might work :wow:

However, it's long-standing issues regarding structural unemployment haven't been solved. South Africa should be very, very wealthy

Not enough till land reform is a success.