Agreed. But weren't the 12th dynasty a different "Nubian" ethnic group? The 25th dynasty was of Kushyte descent, I could have sworn the 12th dynasty was another entity.
Actually according to amenemhet I, he stated from the prophecy of Neferti that he was of "ta seti" origin, which legitimatize his rule.
I posted the website. His quote
Then a king will come from the South,
Ameny, the justified, my name,
Son of a woman of Ta-Seti, child of Upper Egypt,
He will take the white crown,
he willjoin the Two Mighty Ones (the two crowns)
Asiatics will fall to his sword,
Libyans will fall to his flame,
Rebels to his wrath, traitors to his might,
As the serpent on his brow subdues the rebels for him,
One will build the Walls-of-the-Ruler,
To bar Asiatics from entering Egypt
Read more: Egypt: Amenemhat I, 1st King of the 12th Dynasty
Egypt: Amenemhat I, 1st King of the 12th Dynasty
I reckon this line represent or denote some kind of importance, and every pharoanic ruler tried to draw llegitimacy as being descendant of that group