This debate is back, but dumber
I side with Vaush here. I think a big contingent of lefties who weren't in the fold BEFORE Bernie's run have turned presidential elections into their focal point for advancing left issues...that's ass backwards to me. It leaves out all the groundwork that was set by OWS, and the activist groups that sprung from it. Laying a foundation for someone to make waves in a primary takes years, not a last-minute jump into the race. Ironically, the foundation prior to Bernie was supposed to be for Elizabeth Warren (yall remember the Draft Warren stuff?) but when she passed on running, Bernie became the guy and it blew up.
Anyway, I agree with Vaush, but I don't think he's making an appealing case for these young lefties. He should talk to them about building from the ground up, creating progressive enclaves in blue locations where a progressive presidential candidate can build steam (and also set up headquarters and do all the groundwork I never see from the Williamsons of the world).