Closing Remarks and announcing of the 2020 TLR Poster of the Year
Final tallies for the 2020 TLR POTY Nominees:
@charmander - 51 votes (2020 TLR Poster of the Year)
@shopthatwrecks - 29 votes
@RhapSaDiddy - 19 votes
@BmoreGorilla - 16 votes
@Booksnrain - 13 votes
@BrothaZay - 9 votes
@xXOGLEGENDXx - 7 votes
@neotheflyingone - 5 votes
@benjamin - 4 votes
@LaBellaNicole0416.NYC - 3 votes
First, congratulations to all the not trivialize the importance of being ten of the most admired posters on this forum especially during a year where tumult was the name of the game. For someone to consider you enough to put your name up means that you've affected them in a positive way.. whether it was providing a laugh or provoking deep thought or just being a generally decent human's small things like this that have helped make TheColi a comforting path of escape for most when the world is raging. It is in this spirit that the Poster of the Year has been chosen. I'll admit, I did not know
@charmander as well as some of you did but our tag team in orchestrating havoc back and forth on here in 2017 was something I'll fondly remember,
@charmander was a good dude. He will be missed and it is a fitting tribute to give him the Poster of the Year crown one more time.
With such a memorial being cast by TLR for such an influential poster on not only this forum but SOHH as well, I hope you all take a moment to reflect (as I have this week) and think of the people close to you as we close out this year..those who mean the most to you, the ones you love and take a moment to TELL them you love them, give them a hug, etc.. especially in the spirit of the holiday season because it's an unfortunate reality that we don't know the time when any of us will leave this existence.
Special notes of congrats to
@shopthatwrecks and
@RhapSaDiddy with impressive showings with Top 3 finishes, you may have not won the crown but again, take pleasure in that many of peers who voted through the nomination process to the official ballot think highly of you as posters.
@BmoreGorilla ....we gonna get there eventually breh breh

@Booksnrain ,
@BrothaZay ,
@neotheflyingone ,
@benjamin and
@LaBellaNicole0416.NYC please take a bow and God willing, I hope to see all of your names back in such a thread next year. Be blessed. All of you.
@Brooklynzson @Houston911 it is done, gods.