You don't see a problem with fans acting like idiots and throwing shyt all over the field?
The umps fukk up so your response is to delay the game and make the grounds crew clean the field?
Just boo the fukk out of em...acting like an idiot won't change anything.
I don't really have a problem with it, although I also think it's boorish, loutish behavior. Fanaticism and suspension of reason fuels everything about sports fandom, and major sports stokes that suspension of reason for its benefit, and at this point we all the the problems that can come hand-in-hand with crowds, mobs, deindividuation and all that jazz. So in that kind of situation any announcer expressing shock and disgust seems willfully naive and soapboxy to me.
That should be a reversible fukking call too. They have 6 umps out there, they have to be able to correct that instantly. That's a gimme.
Anyway, I expect a sensible announcer to say "this is unfortunate, but it's what you come to expect from a home crowd in this situation, they are, after all, suffering from the human condition. And what a horrible call. Ugly all around, hopefully we can restore order sooner rather than later."
I'd applaud the announcer who could avoid cliche moralizing and talk about what's unfolding in context.
And yes, I know I'm asking for too much from these morons.