One of my earliest memories in life being scared to death by a snarling, gargantuan, Andre the Giant in the parking lot of a house show...Thats wrestling breh!
Crying and running out of the living room with moms, after seeing Jake the snake's cobra bite Randy Savage....thats wrestling breh!
Listening to pops wax poetic about seeing bobo brazil, bruno sammartino, and others in person as a kid....thats wrestling breh!
Attending house shows and ppv's with pops, and us excitedly talking about the shows as we return home on the subway....thats wrestling breh!
Still having my bret hart hitman shirt from 1993..thats wrestling, breh!
Going in my parents garage, and seeing a gang of old wrestling magazines that takes me right back to the day I first read them....thats wrestling, breh.
Calling all my friends, damn near in tears, because hogan just turned bad and him saying all of us hulkamaniacs now made him sick....thats wrestling, breh
Being captivated by Bret hart vs. Austin at wrestlemania 13, like it was a championship boxing prize fight (still the GOAT match, easily)...thats wrestling, breh
Dressing up in a cheap knock off versace shirt, taping a fake curled eyebrow over my right eye, wearing slacks and dress shoes on halloween, standing on my teachers desk and saying: FINALLY THE ROCK HAS RETURNED TO HOOVER MIDDLE SCHOOL, as my classmates cheered...thats wrestling, breh.
Doing german suplexes, frog splashes, stunners, and peoples elbows during recess and lunch and damn near killing ourselves in the process....thats wrestling, breh.
having goosebumps and chills at the shark tank, watching the Undertaker's entrance, LIVE, at the Royal Rumble in 98 with all my friends and I standing in awe...thats wrestling, breh
Giving the Kliq/NWO finger dap to your boys as you pass them in the halls at school without saying a word...thats wrestling, breh
marveling at the unreal talent of guys like rey mysterio, ultimo dragon, blitzkreig, psychosis, and others who were easily among the greatest athletes in the world, and like real life comic book characters, bringing it week after week. Thats wrestling, breh.
Being able to suspend my disbelief as an adult, and get sucked into to a great match, and abandon any notions that all of this is scripted: hence feeling like a kid again....thats wrestling, breh
I dont watch much anymore, but no matter how far I stray, wrestling will always be a part of me given how important it was to my youth. If you dont get it....ya just dont get it.
Crying and running out of the living room with moms, after seeing Jake the snake's cobra bite Randy Savage....thats wrestling breh!
Listening to pops wax poetic about seeing bobo brazil, bruno sammartino, and others in person as a kid....thats wrestling breh!
Attending house shows and ppv's with pops, and us excitedly talking about the shows as we return home on the subway....thats wrestling breh!
Still having my bret hart hitman shirt from 1993..thats wrestling, breh!
Going in my parents garage, and seeing a gang of old wrestling magazines that takes me right back to the day I first read them....thats wrestling, breh.
Calling all my friends, damn near in tears, because hogan just turned bad and him saying all of us hulkamaniacs now made him sick....thats wrestling, breh
Being captivated by Bret hart vs. Austin at wrestlemania 13, like it was a championship boxing prize fight (still the GOAT match, easily)...thats wrestling, breh
Dressing up in a cheap knock off versace shirt, taping a fake curled eyebrow over my right eye, wearing slacks and dress shoes on halloween, standing on my teachers desk and saying: FINALLY THE ROCK HAS RETURNED TO HOOVER MIDDLE SCHOOL, as my classmates cheered...thats wrestling, breh.
Doing german suplexes, frog splashes, stunners, and peoples elbows during recess and lunch and damn near killing ourselves in the process....thats wrestling, breh.
having goosebumps and chills at the shark tank, watching the Undertaker's entrance, LIVE, at the Royal Rumble in 98 with all my friends and I standing in awe...thats wrestling, breh
Giving the Kliq/NWO finger dap to your boys as you pass them in the halls at school without saying a word...thats wrestling, breh
marveling at the unreal talent of guys like rey mysterio, ultimo dragon, blitzkreig, psychosis, and others who were easily among the greatest athletes in the world, and like real life comic book characters, bringing it week after week. Thats wrestling, breh.
Being able to suspend my disbelief as an adult, and get sucked into to a great match, and abandon any notions that all of this is scripted: hence feeling like a kid again....thats wrestling, breh
I dont watch much anymore, but no matter how far I stray, wrestling will always be a part of me given how important it was to my youth. If you dont get it....ya just dont get it.